In principle, B-1 status holders can only engage in permissible activities on C-3 Short-Term General visa and by the visa wavier agreement of their country with Korea. If applicants want to engage in activities other than those allowed by the agreement, they must get a visa appropriate to their intents.
* For example, if a Malaysian national wants to come to Korea in order to watch a friendly sporting match, he/she is required to obtain a visa.
[Activities Allowed by Each Country]
Allowed Activities
All permissible activities on C-3 visa (hereinafter referred to as 'C-3 activities') except academic and employment activities
Russia, Lithuania
All C-3 activities except academic and profit-making activities
Dominican Republic
All C-3 activities except entertainment activities including sports and employment activities
All C-3 activities except employment activities
Liberia, Bangladesh, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey, Pakistan, Barbados, Chile, Columbia, Peru, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, England, Portugal, Lesotho
All C-3 activities except employment activities
Greece, Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Spain, France, Hungary, Tunisia
All C-3 activities except profit-making, employment and medical activities
New Zealand
All C-3 activities except profit-making and employment activities
Israel, Grenada, Nicaragua, Commonwealth of Dominica, Bahamas, Venezuela, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, Haiti, Antigua Barbuda, El Salvador, Uruguay, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Trinidad and Tobago, Panama, Latvia, Rumania, Malta, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Ireland, Czech, Poland, Morocco
C-3-4 Business Visit only
All C-3 activities*
Mexico, Surinam, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Estonia, Austria, Italy, Finland
*Nationals of the above countries can engage in short-term language training, medical activities, etc. except for employment and profit-making activities.
You are eligible to apply for a B-1 Visa Exempted visa if you are
A citizen of a country that has signed and ratified a visa wavier agreement with the government of the Republic of Korea. However, please note that once you enter the ROK on the B-1 visa, you are only allowed to engage in activities that are defined in the agreement.
Article 7 (Entry of Foreigners) of the Immigration Control Act
(1) When a foreigner enters the Republic of Korea, he/she shall hold a valid passport and a visa issued by the Minister of Justice.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), any of the following foreigners may enter the Republic of Korea without a visa:
1. A person who obtains permission to reenter or who is exempted from permission of reentry, and who enters the Republic of Korea before the period of such permission or exemption expires;
2. A person who is a national of a country which has concluded the Visa Exemption Agreement with the Republic of Korea, and who is subject to exemption under the Convention;
3. A person who enters the Republic of Korea for international friendship, sightseeing or in the interests of the Republic of Korea, etc., and who has separately obtained an entry permit, as prescribed by Presidential Decree;
4. A person who departed from the Republic of Korea with a refuge travel document issued, and enters the Republic of Korea before the term of validity of such certificate expires.
Your visa status and period of sojourn are determined at the port of entry
1. Visa Status
A. Diplomatic․Official Passport Holder : A-1 Diplomat visa․A-2 Foreign Government Official visa
If you enter the Republic of Korea on a diplomatic/official mission with a diplomatic passport, an A-1 Diplomat visa will be issued.
If you enter the Republic of Korea on an official mission with an official passport, an A-2 Foreign Government Official visa will be issued.
If you are a public/civil servant stationed in the Republic of Korea with either a diplomatic passport or an official passport, an A-1 Diplomat visa or an A-2 Foreign Government Official visa will be issued.
If you visit the Republic of Korea for a vacation purpose with a diplomatic passport or an official passport, a B-1 Visa Exempted visa will be issued.
B. Ordinary Passport Holder : B-1 Visa Exempted
2. Even if you are a citizen of a country which has signed the visa wavier agreement with the government of the Republic of Korea, you must obtain a visa that most closely matches the purpose of your stay if (A) the length of your stay is going to exceed the period of sojourn specified in the wavier agreement (which is usually 3-months-long) OR (B) you plan to engage in short-term employment or activities which will pay you.
Table 1. List of Parties to the Visa Wavier Agreement (As of June 2015)
☞ Please see the table below
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