<<Review Criteria for E-7 Special Occupation>>
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A. Manager (15 job categories)
1) Executives of Economic Interest Groups (S110)
❍ (Job Description) You represent your company/group/association. Also, you decide․write constitution and regulations of policy of Economic Interest Groups or Employers Organizations. Then you organize, lead, and control each department of these groups/ organizations.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Corporate executives at economics-related groups
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance, Residence and others) There is no minimum requirements for education or work experiences since we respect the autonomy of corporation. General Standard will be applied.
2) Executives of a corporation (1120)
❍ (Job Description) You represent your company/organization/groups within the range of activities designated by the board of directors or another governing body (not including an interest group), also you plan, lead and mediate management policies in cooperation with at least two other high-rank executives
❍ (Applicable Job Types) President, Vice-President, CEO, Chairman, Vice-Chairman
❍ (Qualifications, visa issuance, residence management and others) There is no education or work experience requirements since we respect autonomy of a company, but in terms of visa issuance, a regular standard will be applied.
3) Management Supporting Administrator (1202)
❍ (Job Description) You plan, lead and facilitate tasks to support corporate production and management after discussing matters with the heads of other departments while being under a comprehensive supervision of the CEO.
* Managers working in fields except occupational code “1312” or “1522”
❍ (Applicable Job Types) General Affairs and Human Resources Manager, Planning․Advertisement and Marketing Manager, Finance Manager, Materials and Purchasing Manager, and Others
❍ (Visa Issuance and Residence Management and others) General Standard will be applied.
4) Educational Administrator (1312)
❍ (Job Description) You plan and supervise tasks of educational institutions such as a kindergarten and an elementary, middle school (including foreigner's school, foreign educational institution, international school and etc)
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Principal and vice-principal of an elementary, middle school, director and assistant director of kindergarten (including foreigner's school, foreign educational institution, international school and etc.)
❍ (Qualifications) You have a bachelor's degree or higher meeting all conditions and qualifications to become a teacher as set forth in the relevant laws. Also you were hired after undergoing a certain procedure.
❍ (Visa Issuance and Residence Management and others) General Standard will be applied.
5) Insurance and Investment Administrator (1320)
❍ (Job Description) You plan, organize, lead and administrate insurance & pension companies, banks, stock firms, trust companies or other finance institutions. Also, you plan, organize, lead and administrate an organization that deals with individual/corporate loans, savings, stocks and future trading, investment management, trustee administration, real estates and other activities.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Insurance Administrator, Finance Administrator ※ Prohibition: Loan Companies
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Financial Services Commission (Banking : Bank division, Insurance: Insurance division, Investment Stocks : Capital Market division)
❍ (Eligibility) A regular standard will be applied.
- If you have a bachelor degree but you do not have relevant experiences, then based on your qualifications reviewed by the Employment Recommendation Division of the Finance Services Commission, you will be recommended if the review committee thinks that you have expertise in certain areas and you will be able to contribute to strengthening national competency of the Republic of Korea.
❍ (Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
6) Culture․Arts․Graphic Design Manager (1340)
❍ (Job Description) You plan, lead and mediate organizations of Newspaper, Broadcasting company, Film Company, Publisher, Design, and Visual Arts.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Culture and Arts Manager, Administrator related to design, Visual Arts Manager Broadcasting company and film company management division manager (TV Program Director, Radio Broadcasting Manager(PD), Editor-in-Chief of Newspapers)
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Administrator of the Small and Medium Business Administration (Small and Medium Business Corporation)
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
7) Information and Communication Manager (1350)
❍ (Job Description) You lead and supervise information, communication or data processing division workers while you shape the nature of a project after examining specific information requests from the management team or technical team. Moreover, you negotiate the computer manage plan and mediate the purchases of data processing equipments in order to test a new program and to introduce an operating system
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Hardware company manager , Hardware development division manager, Software company manager, Software development division manager, Data Processing Company manager, Information management division manager, Telecommunication management division manager, Telecommunication sales division manager
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) The Minister of Trade, Industry & Energy (Kotra) Administrator of the Small and Medium Business Administration (Small and Medium Business Corporation)
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
8) Other Professional Service Managers (1390)
❍ (Job Description) You plan, organize, order and manage a company that provides professional services in headhunting (recruiting foreign talents), market research and poll opinion survey.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Market and Public Poll Opinion Research Manager, Foreign Talents Headhunting Service Manager
❍ (Qualification, Visa Issuance and Residence Management and others) General Standard will be applied
9) Construction and Mining Manager (1411)
❍ (Job Description) You plan, lead and facilitate activities related to ground formating and blasting, prospecting, excavating, suspending of earth work, and building, extending, reconstructing, fixing and repairing, dissolving all types of buildings and structures in construction sites.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Construction Division Manager, Mining Production Division Manager
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Administrator of Construction Policy Bureau〔Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transportation - Technology Policy Division〕
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
10) Goods Production Manager (1413)
❍ (Job Description) You manage production line and repair products such as food, clothes, chemistry, metals, machinery, electricity․and electronics while leading, planning and facilitating a business or department related to technology.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Food Plant Manager, Food Production Processing Manager, Food Production Planning Manager, Textile, Fiber Plant Manager, Textile, Fiber Production Processing Manager, Textile, Fiber Production Planning Manager, Chemical Goods Plant Manager, Chemical Goods Production Processing Manager, Chemical Goods Production Planning Manager, Metallic Goods Plant Manager, Metallic Goods Production Processing Manager, Metallic Production Planning Manager, Machinery Goods Plant Manager, Machinery Production Processing Manager, Machinery Production Planning Manager, Electrical Goods Plant Manager, Electrical Goods Production Processing Manager, Electrical Goods Production Planning Manager, U-turn Corporation Production Manager
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Small and Medium Business Administrator (Small and Medium Business Corporation) / Minister of Health and Welfare (Division of Health Industry Policy) / Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (KOTRA) : for U-turn corporations only
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied. (However, a separate requirements will be applied to a U-turn corporation manager)
❍ (U-turn corporate privileges)
- (U-turn corporate requirements) You have managed a business abroad for at least 2 years, but you have returned to a domestic company by establishing a new business or extending facilities in accordance with the Special Act on National Balance Development announced by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy.
- (U-turn corporate production requirements) You have worked at an overseas office of a U-turn corporation for at least 5 years, and if you do not have a degree, you must have a license in the relevant field in order to prove that you are the expert of that area. Other ways to prove your qualifications and award history include media publications or a work experience certificate* confirmed by a local employee of KBC of KOTRA.
* However, you can submit a work experience certificate confirmed by a consul to a mission when there is no local employee of KBC of KOTRA in the mission.
- (Employment Quota per company) within 10% of the 3 month-average of the number of Korean employees subscribed to employment insurance
❍ (Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A general standard will be applied.
11) Agricultural․Fishery Managers (14901)
❍ (Job description) You facilitate, lead and plan production activities in Crop Production, Animal Husbandry, Landscape Architecture, Management of Forestry, Logging and Forestry and etc.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Agricultural company manager, Fishery company manager
❍ (Recommendation Letter Issuance) Agricultural Company Manager〔Minister for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Management Talents Division), Fishery Company Manager〔Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (Crew Labor Policy Division)
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
12) Business and Sales Managers (1511)
❍ (Job Description) You plan and lead management of a sales division of a company and wholesaler/retailer. You are a technical management director who plans and leads activities of technical sales division for electronic communication, data processing, industrial machine, and automobile. You plan, lead and facilitate international trade and management of international trade company.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Management Manager, Sales Manager, International Trade Manager ※ Not Applicable : the head of a sales branch office and others
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Information Technology : Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (KOTRA)
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
13) Transport Service Related Manager (1512)
❍ (Job Description) You plan, lead and mediate management of international passenger, freight carriers and other transport operation businesses.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Vessel Company Manager, Vessel Transport Division Manager, Airline Company Manager, Air Transport Division Manager, Vessel Management Company's Vessel Management Expert, Vessel Transport Company's Vessel Management Expert
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Vessel Management Expert of Vessel Management Company or Shipping Transport Service Company (required): Minister of Oceans and Fisheries
❍ (Conditions) A general standard will be applied. (However, separate requirements will be applied to vessel management experts of vessel management company or of vessel transport company)
❍ (Privileges Given to Vessel Management Experts)
- (Vessel Management Requirements) Experienced vessel crew such as Captain, Chief Engineer, First Mate․Engineer must have at least one year of vessel management experience / Experienced vessel crews such as the second mate or third mate․engineer must have at least 5 years of vessel management experiences
- (Vessel Management Corporation Requirements) Registered at the Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries + an average number of vessels that your company has managed for the past 3 years; 10 vessels + The annual foreign exchange revenue is worth at least $1,000,000 (not including the wage of the crew on board) or the annual sales revenue is worth 10 billion KRW (not including the wage of crew on board)
- (Employee Quota per company) One person (Maximum 5 people for each company) per basic requirements (10 management ships + foreign exchange earning 1 million USD + Sales Revenue 1 billion KRW) (Maximum 5 people for each company)
❍ (Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
14) Hospitality․Travel․Entertainment and Sports Manager (1521)
❍ (Job Description) You plan, lead and mediate managing divisions or businesses related to hospitality, travelling, entertainment and sports
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Hotel Manager, Hotel General Manager, Casino Manager, Travelling Agency (regular tour business, international tour business) Manager, Tourism&Leisure business Manager (Amusement Parks, Holiday Condominium), Stadium Management Division Manager (Golf Course) ※ <Prohibition>․Inn Manager
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Tourist Agency Administrator/Manager (required) AND Tourism Leisure Administrator/Manager (required) : Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism (Cultural Industry Policy Division〕
❍ (Required Documents) A regular standard will be applied. (for tourist agency managers only, photocopy of tourist business registration certificate must be added)
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
15) Food Service Manager (1522)
❍ (Job Description) You plan, lead, and supervise food/beverage services at a restaurant.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Food Service Company Administrator/Manager
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
❍ (Employer Requirement) You manage at least 10 branch offices or franchise.
B. Professionals and Relevant Field Professionals (51 job categories)
1) Life Scientist (2111)
❍ (Job Description) You research on Life Science theories and applications such as Biology, Medicine, Food, Agriculture, Forestry while working at a life-science related company including food company, pharmaceutical company, cosmetic company, medical device manufacturer
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Biology (Botany, Ecology, Bacteriology, Genetics), Medicine (Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Biophysics, Pathology), Pharmacology (Toxicology and Poisoning), Agriculture (Agronomy, Crops, Horticultural Science), Forestry (Clinical Engineering, Dendrology, Soil Science), Fisheries Science (Fresh-water Biology, Marine Biology), Sitology, Cosmetic Studies, Biomedical Engineering, Zootechny Science (Zoology) expert
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Biology: Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (KOTRA)/ Medicine, Pharmacology, Sitology, Cosmetic Studies, Biomedical Engineering〔Minister of Health and Welfare(Division of Health Industry Policy)/Agricultural Science, Forestry, Zootechny〔Minister of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Management Talents Division) / Fisheries Science : Minister of Oceans and Fisheries (Aquaculture Industry Division)
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
2) Biology Scientist (2112)
❍ (Job Description) You work for a business related to life science, researching on theories and applications of life science
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Mathematics , Applied Mathematic, Geometry, Demography, Applied Statistics, Mathematical Statistics, Research Statistics, Analytical Statistics, Statistics Expert, Sample Expert, Marine Science (Ocean Science), Geodesy, Geomagnetism, Topography, Volcanology, Geophysics, Seismology
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Administrator of Small and Medium Business Administration (the Small and Medium Business Corporation) : for small and medium businesses only
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
3) Physicist (21121)
❍ (Job Description) You research force between objects, nature and mechanisms of heat, light and sound, nature and properties of electricity, magnetism and electrons, and structure and properties of atoms, molecules and nuclear energy, or apply the knowledge and methodology of physics to diagnose and treat diseases.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Mechanics, Thermal Physics, Optical Physics, Physics of Sound, Electro-physics, Magnetism Physics (Physics of the Law of Attraction), Electron Physics, Nuclear Physics, Solid State Physics, Theoretical Physics Expert
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (KOTRA)
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
4) Chemist (21122)
❍ (Job Description) You improve and develop chemical concepts, theories, and managing methods. In other words, you test and analyse various natural, artificial or synthetic stuff in order to research on chemical nature and changes of materials(ingredients) and products. In addition, you apply scientific knowledge to improve and develop the manufacturing process, materials(ingredients) and products of pharmaceutical and other industries.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Analytical chemistry , Inorganic chemistry, Organic chemistry, Detergent chemistry, Dye chemistry, Food chemistry, Coating chemistry, Petrochemistry, Textile chemistry, Glass chemistry, Plastic chemistry, Rubber chemistry
❍ (Employment Recommendation Issuance) Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (KOTRA)
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
5) Astronomy and Meteorology Expert (21123)
❍ (Job Description) You interpret and research on astronomical phenomena through a telescope and other optical instruments such as camera, spectrometer, radiometer and photometer and etc. You research, improve, and develop concepts, theories, and managing methods of aerodynamics while researching on weather phenomena such as wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric pressures, temperature, humidity, cloud formation, rainfall, electrical discharge, or solar heating.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Astrophysics, Astronomical Physics, Space Physics, Radio Astronomy, Climatology
❍ (Recommendation Letter Issuance) Administrator of the Meterological Administration (Person-in-charge of the Meterological Human Resources Development)
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
6) Social Science Researcher (2122)
❍ (Job Description) You apply economic knowledge to social science research while improving and developing concepts, theories and management methods on it. Also, you write academic papers and reports, working for a research center and a relevant organization.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Econometrics Researcher, Taxation Researcher, Labor Economics Researcher, Financial Economics Researcher, Agricultural Economics Researcher, Finance Researcher, Industrial Sociology Researcher
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
7) Computer Hardware Technician (2211)
❍ (Job Description) You research, design and develop equipments for household, industry, military or scientific computers. Moreover, you supervise and test manufacturing, installation of computers and computers-related components/equipments
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Computer Hardware Design Technician, Computer Equipment Technician, Computer Network Developer, Computer Control System Developer, Record Equipment Developer, Recorder Development Institute (i.e. Attraction Magnet-Optical) , Disc Drive Developer, Hard Disc Developer, Computer Main board Developer, Controller Developer, Input․Output Equipment Developer
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy(KOTRA), Administrator of Small and Medium Business Administration (the Small and Medium Business Corporation) :for small and medium businesses only
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
8) Telecommunication Engineer (2212)
❍ (Job Description) You design the wired/wireless communication network, construction, preservation and voice, data, relevant broadcasting communication method, and protocol. Moreover, you research and construct machinery and facilities while you analyse, test and manage communication system design, production, installment, repair, maintenance and management. You also plan management schedule and provide technical advices and constructions.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Cell phone Circuit developer, Wireless Telephone developer, Modem Development Design technician, Digital Receiver developer, Interpol and Telephone Developer, DMB phone developer, DMB Receiver developer, ADSL Equipment developer, HFC Network Management technician, VMS Equipment Management officer, SMS Equipment Management officer, Wireless Communication Network Management Technician, wireless communication manager, Internet Communication Network Management technician, circuit management officer, communication construction supervisor, exchange developer, wireless repeater equipment development design technician, Gwangdanguk equipment development design technician, communication application service equipment developer, VMS equipment developer, CDMA Technology and Research developer, RF Communication Research developer, Wireless Data Network developer, Wired communication Network Planner, Communication Intelligent Network Research developer, Communication Line Design Technician, Network Communication Device Development and Design Technician, satellite TV receiver development design technician, wired/wireless communication equipment device development design technician, optical communication design developer, Exchange Development Design technician, Text Service equipment manager, digital broadcasting equipment developer, transmitter developer, Communication Network Design technician
❍ (Employment Recommendation Issuance) The Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (KOTRA), Administrator of the Small and Medium Business Association (Small and Medium Business Corporation) : limited to Small and Medium Businesses
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
9) Computer System Designer and Analyst (2221)
❍ (Job Description) You determine, design and analysis a whole range of elements of a computer system such as input and output formats, data processing procedure/logic, access methods to materials, traits/formats of database.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Information System Consultant, Network Consultant, Database Consultant, Information Security Consultant, Computer System Supervision Expert, Computer System Designer, Computer System Analyst
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (KOTRA), Administrator of the Small and Medium Business Administration (Small and Medium Business Corporation) :for small and medium business administration only.
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
10) System Software Developer (2222)
❍ (Job Description) You design, research, and develop a system software for auto performance order system of computer, and you carry missions related to these programs
❍ (Applicable Job Types) EMBEDDED Program Developer, LINUX Developer, MICOM Control Technician, Operating System Software Developer, FIRMWARE Developer
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (KOTRA), Administrator of the Small and Medium Business Administration (Small and Medium Business Corporation) :for small and medium businesses only.
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) General Standard Application will be applied.
11) Application Software Developer (2223)
❍ (Job Description) You develop word processing softwares for companies or individuals such as microsoft word, managerial accounting, database, statistics, you change software environments depending on the computer operating system.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Data Management Application programmer, Financial Management Application programmer, Information Processing Application programmer, Game programmer, Online game programmer, Protocol developer, Network programmer
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (KOTRA), Administrator of the Small and Medium Business Administration (the Small and Medium Business Corporation) :for small and medium businesses only
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
12) Database Developer (2224)
❍ (Job Description) In order to ensure effectiveness and safety of collected materials, you design and improve database. You grasp works involved with establishing database, and design the physical structure of data and optimization arrangement after measuring the size. You analyse online capacity development or change a software or control its management
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Database Expert, Database Designer, Database Manager, Database Programmer, Database Administrator
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (KOTRA), Administrator of the Small and Medium Business Administration (Small and Medium Business Corporation) :for small and medium businesses only
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
13) Network System Developer (2225)
❍ (Job Description) You plan, develop, design and test a network by using your knowledge in software, hardware, and network equipments
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Network Engineer, VAN Technician, Network System Analyst, WAN Technician, Intranet Technician, Network Server Construction Management Technician, LAN Technician
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (KOTRA), Administrator of the Small and Medium Business Administration (Small and Medium Business Corporation) :for small and medium businesses only
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
14) Computer Security Expert (2226)
❍ (Job Description) You develop a security program to protect a computer both online and offline from hackers, and you provide solutions from various angles after checking security status of the computer.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Internet Security Expert, Information Security Researcher
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (KOTRA), Administrator of the Small and Medium Business Administration (Small and Medium Business Corporation) :for small and medium businesses only
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) General Standard Application will be applied.
15) Web and Multimedia Planner (2227)
❍ (Job Description) You plan and direct works which are revealed through multimedia softwares and the internet.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Web Planner, Multimedia Materials Production Expert, Multimedia Editor
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (KOTRA), Administrator of the Small and Medium Business Administration (Small and Medium Business Corporation) :for small and medium businesses only
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
16) Web Developer (2228)
❍ (Job Description) You acquire, apply and test new web skills, and you are responsible for technical aspects of web server management and construction.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Web Engineer, Web Programmer, Web Master
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy (KOTRA), Administrator of the Small and Medium Business Administration (Small and Medium Business Corporation) :for small and medium businesses only
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
17) Architecture and Architectural Engineer (2311)
❍ (Job Description) You conceptualize, design and develop establishment for commercial, public and residential building constructions and their repairs.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Architect, Construction Supervising Technician, Plant Construction Architect
❍ (RECOMMENDATION LETTER ISSUANCE) Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (Technology Policy Division)
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) General Standard Application will be applied.
18) Civil Engineer (2312)
❍ (Job Description) You plan, construct and manage various construction projects such as roads, airports, train tracks, highways, bridges, dams, buildings, ports and coastal facilities.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Building construction engineering work technician, Structure engineering work technician, Road Construction engineering work technician, Airport engineering work technician
❍ (Employment Recommendation Letter Issuance) Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport(Technology Policy Division)
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) A regular standard will be applied.
19) Landscaping Technician (2313)
❍ (Job Description) You plan landscape designs and examine landscape constructions for commercial projects, office-concentrated areas, parks, golf courses and residential areas.
❍ (Applicable Job Types) Landscaping Designer, Landscape Detailing Designer
❍ (Employment Recommendation Letter Issuance) Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (Technology Policy Division)
❍ (Qualifications, Visa Issuance and Residence Management) General Standard Application will be applied.
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Review Criteria for E-7 Special Occupation 1-19
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눈이 내린다/ 배가 고프다/ 할머니 집은 아직 멀었다/동생한테 붕어빵 한 봉지를 사주었다/ 동생이 빵은 먹고/ 붕어는 어항에 키우자고 해서/그러자고 했다/ 할머니집은 여전히 멀다./ 붕어빵

Researcher (E-3) ACTIVITIES ALLOWED 1. Researching in the fields of natural science ...
Permanent Resident (F-5) RANGE OF ACTIVITIES Allowed to engage in any legal act...
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