Showing posts with label F visas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label F visas. Show all posts


F-6 Extension of Stay

Spouse of a Korean National (F-6-1)
1. A Spouse of a Korean National (F-6-1) is allowed to extend his/her period of stay.
A. This is your first time to extend your stay in Korea.
You must complete alien registration and apply for extension of your stay at an immigration (branch) office in your residence area within 90 days after you have entered the RoK on a Spouse of a Korean National visa (F-6-1, 90 days).
Permitted Period of Stay : 1 year
- However, if you have completed the Happy Start Program, you will be given maximum 2 years for your stay (excluding those who are subject to entry regulation).
Required Documents
Visa Application Form (enclosed form #34), Passport, One Standard-Size Photograph, Fee
Marriage certificate and a copy of resident registration of a Korean national
Acceptable documents for proof of residency (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
B. Permitting Extension of Your Stay
Eligible Applicant
- You are staying in the Republic of Korea on a F-6-1 visa.
Permitted period of Stay : within 2 years
- However, if you are rearing a child born within the marriage to a Korean national, you will be given maximum 3 years for your stay.
Required Documents
Visa Application Form (enclosed form #34), Passport, Fee
Marriage Certificate Copy of Resident Registration
Acceptable documents for proof of residency (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
Other documents that are deemed necessary for review (Please submit them upon requests).
2. You are allowed to extend your stay if you are currently facing marriage separation, divorce, and disappearance of your spouse (for F-6-1 candidates only).
Eligible Applicants
- You are currently staying in the Republic of Korea as a spouse of a Korean national (F-6-1).
You are not living with your spouse (Marital Separation).
Marital Separation is a type of relationship in which a couple lives apart from one another but is still considered to be legally married. Please note that a situation where a married couple meets only on the weekend is not considered as 'marital separation'.
You are currently going through a divorce.
- including the ones who are about to file a divorce and are appealing against a court ruling that you were not notified of.
Your spouse has disappeared, but you have not yet received a disappearance declaration from the Domestic Relations Court (hereinafter referred to as the 'Family Court').
Required Documents
Visa application form (enclosed form #34), passport and alien registration, fee
Marriage certificate and a copy of resident registration of your Korean spouse
Acceptable documents for proof of residency (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
Documents proving reasons for marital separation
- Runaway report of your Korean spouse, doctor's notes regarding injury or photos proving such injuries, admission confirmation of a women's shelter for victims of domestic violence, criminal sentencing, relatives/friends' confirmation, confirmation from a legitimate women's association
If your spouse is currently serving his/her sentences in a prison: your spouse's certificate of imprisonment (mandatory), family confirmation or other documents from your spouse's first cousins or closer
Documents related to divorce trials (certificate of filing a divorce)
Documents proving disappearance of your spouse
- Disappearance Declaration by the family court, Disappearance Report, confirmation from family/relatives/friends or from a legitimate women's association
Other documents that are deemed necessary for review
Custodian of a Child (F-6-2)
A. This is your first time to extend your stay in Korea.
You must complete alien registration and apply for extension of your stay at an immigration (branch) office within 90 days after you enter the Republic of Korea on a Custodian visa (F-6-2, 90 days).
Permitted Period of Stay: 1 year
Required Documents
Visa Application Form (enclosed form #34), Passport, One Standard Size Photograph, Fee
Basic CertificateFamily Relations Certificate issued under your child's name (if your child is a Korean citizen)
Acceptable documents for proof of residency (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
B. Extending the permitted period of your stay
Eligible Applicants
- You are staying in the Republic of Korea to raise your child (F-6-2).
Permitted period of stay : 3 years
- until your child becomes an adult
Required Documentation
Visa application form (enclosed form #34), Passport, Fee
Basic Certificate, Certificate of Family Registration under your child's name (if your child is a Korean citizen)
Documents proving that you are raising your child
- ex: tuition receipt, hospital receipt and others
Acceptable documents for proof of residency (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
Documents that are deemed necessary for reviews (submit them upon requests)
Special Privileges will be given to those who have the Right of Interview and Negotiation
1. Special Privilege Applicants: Your marriage fell apart during your stay as a spouse of a Korean national (F-6-1). You have the right of interview and negotiation on a child born within your marriage to a Korean citizen.
2. Screening Criteria: the Korea Immigration Service will investigate
whether or not an Interview and Negotiation Right is restricted by the decision of the Family Court
whether or not you still have continuing relationships with your child(ren)
If the right of interview and negotiation is restricted or excluded and if you have no continuing relationships with your child(ren), you will not be allowed to continuously stay in Korea.
3. Required Documentation: visa application form, basic certificatefamily relations certificate, divorce sentencing and other documents issued under the name of your child (in order to verify whether the right of interview and negotiation is restricted, but if the divorce was mutually agreed upon, you can skip submitting these documents. Also, these documents are asked only when you apply for extension of your stay for the first time after your marriage fell apart), pictures or other documents which can prove your continuing relationships with your child(ren), other documents that are deemed necessary for reviews
4. Permitted Period of Stay: up to 1 year if you are a F-6-2 visa holder / only until your child becomes an adult
Marriage Breakdown (F-6-3)
A. This is your first time to extend your stay since the death of your Korean spouse.
Eligible Applicants
- You entered the Republic of Korea as a spouse of a Korean national (F-6-1) and had maintained a normal marriage relationship until your spouse died due to sickness, accidents and other reasons.
Required Documents
Visa Application Form (enclosed form #34), Passport and Alien Registration Card, Fee
Documents proving the death of your spouse
- Death Certificate, Basic Certificate which indicates the death of your spouse
Documents proving family relations (Marriage Certificate and others)
Acceptable documents for proof of residency (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
Documents that are deemed necessary for review
B. This is your first time to extend your stay since the disappearance of your Korean spouse.
Eligible Applicants
- You stayed in Korea as a spouse of a Korean National (F-6-1), but your spouse went missing/disappeared all of a sudden.
* Disappearance is perceived valid only when it is declared by the Family Court in accordance with Article 27 of the Korean Civil Law.
Required Documents
Visa Application Form (enclosed form #34), Passport and Alien Registration Card, Fee
Documents proving the disappearance of your spouse (Disappearance Declaration by the Family Court)
Documents proving family relations (ex. Birth Certificate)
Acceptable documents for proof of residency (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
Other documents that are deemed necessary for review
C. This is your first time to extend your stay since you divorced your Korean spouse.
Eligible Applicants
- You used to stay in Korea as a spouse of a Korean national (F-6-1), but you divorced your spouse due to reasons for which you are not responsible. (i.e. your spouse ran away or abused you via violence and other means)
* Objective documents proving reasons attributed to the divorce: the documents must prove that divorce happened due to your spouse's faults such as runaway, domestic violence, family troubles and etc.
(ex. : disappearance report of your korean spouse, doctor's notes confirming physical abuse by your spouse, a document about a prosecutor's decision not to indict the matter, a confirmation from a legitimate women's association, a confirmation from first cousins or closer of your korean spouse, a confirmation from the chief of dong office in an area you were staying when your marriage fell apart)
Required Documentation
Visa Application Form (enclosed form #34), passport and alien registration card, fee
Marriage certificate which indicates your divorce
Legal documents related to divorce (ex. accusation claim, divorce sentencing and etc)
Documents explaining reasons attributed to divorce
Acceptable documents for proof of residency (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
Other documents that are deemed necessary for reviews
Even if the divorce occurred as a result of foreign spouse's faults, if he/she is supporting the family/parents of the Korean spouse, the foreigner is allowed to stay for up to 1 year in Korea on a F-6-3 visa after submitting relevant documents.
D. You can continue to extend your visa after the first extension. (for F-6-3 visa holders only)
Eligible Applicants
- You are staying in the Republic of Korea on a F-6-3 visa (Marriage Breakdown).
Required Documentation
Visa Application Form (enclosed form #34), Passport, Alien Registration Card, Fee
Acceptable documents for proof of residency (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
Other documents that are deemed necessary for reviews
Getting Domestic Affairs in Order (F-1-6)
Eligible Applicants
- Although your marriage is no longer intact, you are not a F-6-3 visa (Marriage Breakdown) candidate. It is inevitable for you to stay in Korea for a while in order to divide properties, get domestic affairs in order and etc.
Required Documents
Visa Application Form (enclosed form #34), passport, alien registration card, one standard size photograph, fee
Personal Reference Letter (You can skip submitting the letter if the period of your previous reference letter is still valid)
Marriage Certificate which indicates your divorce
Documents explaining why you have to stay in Korea
- Statement of Reasons, Documents proving property divisions
Acceptable documents for proof of residency (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
Other documents that are deemed necessary for reviews
1. Re-entry Permission Exemption
- You have completed the registration as a Spouse of a Korean National (F-6 visa holders, including former F-2-1, F-2-10 visa holders), and you want to re-enter Korea within one year from the date of original departure.
Exemption Period: 1 year
- If you have less than a year left before your visa expires, then you will be exempted from the re-entry permission requirement within the period of your stay.
2. Multiple Re-entry Permission
- You have completed the registration as a spouse of a Korean national (F-6 vis holders including former F-2-1, F-2-10 visa holders), and you want to re-enter Korea after more than a year but less than 2 years from the date of original departure.
Fee : Exempted
Permission Period : 2 years
- Note: If your visa will expire in less than 2 years, then you will be given permission period within the original length of your period of stay.
However, if you are subject to entry regulation by the Korean government, you must obtain re-entry permission approved by the Korea Immigration Service headquarters.
1. Spouse of a Korean National (F-6-1)
You must complete alien registration in an immigration (branch) office in your residential area within 90 days after entering the Republic of Korea on a F-6-1 visa.
Please write down your Korean spouse' profile on the reference section (Reference Period; 2 years)
This is not about submitting additional reference letter. Please write down your spouse' profile only.
Required Documents
Visa Application Form (enclosed form #34), Passport, One Standard Size Photograph, Fee
Marriage Certificate of your Korean spouse A copy of resident registration of your Korean spouse
2. Custodian of a Child(F-6-2)
(Eligibility) You entered the Republic of Korea on an F-6-2 Spouse of a Korean National Visa.
(Additional Review Criteria and Warnings)
- If you register after 90 days from the date of your entry, you will be charged with a crime
Sojourn Permission Period : 1 year
Required Documents
Visa Application Form (enclosed form #34), Passport, One Standard Size Photograph, Fee
If your child is a Korean national, you must submit a basic certificate and family relation certificate under the child's name.
Proof of residency


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