Intra-company Transferee (D-7)
A person who
has worked at the headquarters office, branch office or local office of a foreign public institution, organization or company for at least 1 year; and
- is going to be transferred to the affiliate, subsidiary, branch office or local office situated in the Republic of Korea as an 'indispensable professional specialist'.
However, you are excluded from this category if you are considered as an eligible applicant for the Corporate Investor (D-8) visa.
1-year-of work experience is not required if: (1) you will be working in the ROK's key industries or for the national projects; or (2) it is deemed necessary by the Minister of Justice
has worked at overseas corporations or branch offices of listed enterprises (including KOSDAQ-listed enterprises) or Korean public companies for at least one year, and plans to receive or provide an on-the-job training or education for a professional skills/ techniques/knowledge in the headquarter or the main office.
(However, if the investment or operating fund of the Korean company for its overseas branch/local office is less than $500,000, you are excluded from this category.)
2 years
1. Expansion of exemption from permission of participation in activities uncertified for current sojourn status
If you (D-7 holder) plan to receive formal school education within the period of sojourn, you do not need a permission as long as it is consistent with your original purpose of stay. (as of June 15, 2009)
2. Range of activities as a foreign language Instructor (E-2) that you may engage in without permission
A. Activities as a foreign language instructor for colleagues in the workplace
Eligible Individuals
registered aliens on Professorship (E-1) ~ Special Occupation (E-7), Journalism (D-5) ~ Trade Management (D-9) visas who are staying in the ROK legally
activities allowed
teaching foreign language conversation to colleagues at the company/institute/organization you belong to
B. Volunteer activities as a foreign language instructor without any intention to make profits
Eligible Individuals
registered aliens (or those who are exempted from registration) who are legally staying in the ROK.
activities allowed
teaching foreign language conversation voluntarily at a social welfare facility or a community center (i.e. a school, a religious facility) without any intention to make profits
C. Remarks
- If teaching activities go beyond the scope listed above and become your main activities, you are not exempted from permission.
3. Permission of Activities as D-7 for holders of Corporate Investment (D-8) visa who plan to add a workplace that is an affiliate of the original workplace
① an application form (Form No. 34) passport, Alien Registration Card, a standardized photo, fee ② a dispatch order (issued by the headquarter office) ③ documents proving that the new workplace is an affiliate company of the original workplace (i.e. a certified copy of corporate registration) ④ a copy of business registration certificate ⑤ documents related to the report (permission) of the establishment of the branch office in the ROK (i.e. a permit for operating the Korean branch office) ⑥ a letter of consent from the employer of your original workplace ⑦ documents proving the sales performance - i.e. a certificate of tax payment
4. Permission of Activities as a Lecturer at a University for Excellent Specialists such as CEO of a Foreign Investment Company
activities allowed
You may apply for permission of activities as Short Term Employment (C-4) if you plan to give a lecture for less than 90 days.
Eligible Individuals
① a person working as full-time director or higher at a domestic company (including foreign investment company) with D-7, D-8 or D-9 visa
② a holder of professional working visa (E-1, E-3 ~ E-5, E-7)
Required Documents
① an application form (Form No. 34), passport, Alien Registration Card, fee ② a recommendation letter from the Dean/President of the University ③ a copy of a certificate of tax registration number for non-profit organization (business registration certificate) ④ an employment contract (original and copy) ⑤ a letter of consent from the employer of your original workplace
➠ You are not subject to the report of 'Change/Addition of Workplace. You are subject to report 'Change in Registration Information'.
1. Holders of the visas listed who does not have intention of making profits below must report 'Change in Registration Information' (not 'Change/Addition of Workplace'. (Article 49-2 of the Enforcement Regulations)
Cultural Arts (D-1), Study Abroad (D-2), General Training (D-4) or Trade Management (D-9) visa holders: Change or Addition of institution/organization (including name change)
Job Seeking (D-10) visa holders: Start of Training or Change of Training Institute (including name change)
Working Visit (H-2) visa holders: Start of Employment (when newly hired by a person/institution/organization/company), Information Change of the individual/institution/ organization/company (including name change) (when already working)
※ If you are a holder of Supervisory Intra-Company Transfer (D-7) ~ Trade Management (D-9) visa and transfer from one affiliate to another, you are subject to report 'Change in Registration Information' and submit documents listed below.
① an application form (Form No. 34), passport, Alien Registration Card, fee ② a dispatch order (issued by the headquarters office overseas) ③ documents proving that the companies are affiliated with the same company (i.e. certified copy of corporate registration) ③ documents proving the injection of business funds of the additional workplace (i.e. a certificate of purchased foreign currency, lease/rent contract) ④ a certified copy of corporate registration of the additional workplace ⑤ a copy of business registration certificate of the additional workplace
1. Change of Status for German Citizens coming to the ROK with Visa Exemption (B-1)
A. Activities Allowed: All activities except non-professional fields (D-3, E-9, H-1)
B. Period Allowed: It differs depending on the status you are applying for.
2. Permission of Change of Status to D-7 for holders of Corporate Investment (D-8) visa
Eligible Individuals
a person working as an indispensable professional specialist at a foreign investment company with D-8 visa and staying in the ROK legally, and is to be transferred or dispatched to an affiliate, a subsidiary or a branch office of the same head office/company overseas.
Required Documents
① an application form (Form No. 34), passport, Alien Registration Card, a standardized photo, fee
② a statement of the reasons for the application
③ a dispatch order (issued by the headquarter office) or a certificate of expected employment
④ a copy of permit for the establishment of the Korean branch/contact office (issued by a foreign exchange bank)
⑤ documents proving that the companies are affiliated with the same company (i.e. a copy of the corporate registration)
⑥ documents proving the injection of business funds
(i.e.) a certificate of annual tax payment or a certificate of purchased foreign currency of the new workplace
⑦ lease/rent contract
⑧ current status of foreign workers
《additional documents if needed》
personal tax payment certificate - receipt for earned income tax withholding (of the previous year) or a certificate of income amount (the latest record)
If the workplace is newly established or an applicant has a record of violation of the Korean Immigration Law, fact-finding investigation is a must. (checking required)
3. Permission of Change of Status to D-7, D-8, D-9 for Chilean Citizens with Short-Term Business (C-3-4) visa
Eligible Individuals
a person who is hired as an executive, a senior manager or a specialist by a company/corporate of Chile and plans to work at the affiliate or the branch office in the ROK
Required Documents
① an application form (Form No. 34), passport, a standardize photo, fee
② a proof of employment from the company overseas
③ a dispatch order (issued by the headquarters office)
④ documents proving the establishment of the branch office in the ROK (i.e. a permit for operating the Korean branch office)
⑤ documents proving the injection of business funds
i.e. a certificate of purchased foreign currency
⑥ resume or a certificate of working experience
⑦ a copy of business registration certificate
⑧ a certificate of annual tax payment
A holder of D-9 visa and etc. is required to submit a 「Certificate of Personal Tax Payment」 when applying for extension of period of sojourn.
Even if a foreigner is working in the ROK and is paid by the headquarter company overseas, he/she is imposed a class B earned income tax unless there is special provisions on the tax agreement/treaty between the Republic of Korea and his/her country of nationality.: to prevent tax evasion and establish public order in paying taxes
A. A person who has joined the Class B Tax Association and completed tax obligation through year-end tax settlement after monthly income tax withholding by the Association
➠ Please submit a receipt for class B earned income tax withholding issued by the head of the Class B Tax Association
B. A person who has not joined the Class B Tax Association but reported and paid the global income tax
➠ Please submit a certificate of income amount issued by the competent district tax office
※ In the case of class B earned income, a payer is not in the ROK, so the employees themselves have the obligation to pay their taxes. If the person has joined the Class B Tax Association, the association withhold income tax monthly and pay it to the competent district tax office before the 10th of the next month. If he/she has not, he/she must report for the global income tax in May next year.
☞ Inquiry and Consulting/Counselling about issuance of a certificate of tax payment ☎ 126 (National Tax Service Call Center)
a person classified as “A” of Supervisory Intra-company Transfer (D-7) in the Attached Table No. 1-16 of the Enforcement Decree
① an application form (Form No. 34), passport, Alien Registration Card, fee
② a dispatch order (issued by the Headquarter Office overseas) or a proof of employment (of the headquarter office overseas)
③ a copy of permit for the establishment of the Korean branch/contact office (issued by a foreign exchange bank)
④ documents proving the injection of business funds (i.e. a certificate of purchased foreign currency, lease/rent contract)
⑤ documents proving personal tax payment
- a certificate of tax payment, receipt for earned income tax withholding (of the previous year) or a certificate of income amount
⑥ Acceptable documents for proof of residency (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
a person classified as “B” of Supervisory Intra-company Transfer (D-7) in the Attached Table No. 1-16 of the Enforcement Decree
① an application form (Form No. 34), passport, Alien Registration Card, fee
② a proof of employment
③ documents proving personal tax payment
④ Acceptable documents for proof of residency (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
a member, a consultant or a clerical worker of a foreign legal consultant office
① an application form (Form No. 34), passport, Alien Registration Card, fee
② a declaration of the establishment of the Korean branch/contact office and business registration certificate
③ a copy of registration of foreign legal consultant office or foreign legal consultant
④ a dispatch order (issued by the headquarter office and including duration of dispatch) and a proof of employment (in the branch office in the ROK)
⑤ a tax payment certificate (personal and corporate)
⑥ Acceptable documents for proof of residency (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
1. Required Documents
1. Implementation of Re-entry Permit Exemption (revision of the Enforcement Regulations of Dec. 1, 2010
- If you are a registered foreigner and plan to return to the ROK within 1 year from the departure date, you are exempted from Re-entry Permit
- If your period of sojourn remains less than 1 year, you are exempted from Re-entry Permit for the remaining period.
- If you need the permission due to the entry restrictions, you may apply for the permission to an Immigration (Branch) Office at free of charge.
2. Required Documents: an application form (Form No. 34), passport, Alien Registration Card, fee (single: 30,000 KRW, multiple: 50,000 KRW)
1. Required Documents for Registration
① an application form (Form No. 34), passport, a standardized photo, fee
② business registration certificate (registration of foreign legal consultant office where applicable)
2. Notification of Change in Registration Information
Report details : change of name, sex, date of birth, nationality and passport (number, issue date, expiry date)
Reasons for the report : Change and addition (as of Nov. 16, 2010) of organization/institution (including name change)
Due Date : within 14 days from the date of change
Required Documents
① an application form (Form No. 34), passport, alien registration card, no fee ② documents proving change of your information
※ If you are a holder of Supervisory Intra-Company Transfer (D-7) ~ Trade Management (D-9) visa and transfer from one affiliate to another, you are subject to report 'Change in Registration Information' and submit the documents listed below.
① an application form (Form No. 34), passport, Alien Registration Card, fee ② a dispatch order (issued by the headquarter office overseas) ③ documents proving that the companies are affiliated with the same company (i.e. a certified copy of corporate registration) ③ documents proving the injection of business funds of the new workplace, i.e. a certificate of purchased foreign currency, lease/rent contract) ④ a certified copy of corporate registration of the new workplace ⑤ a copy of business registration certificate of the new workplace
Definitions of the indispensable professional specialist
Executive is defined as someone who primarily directs the management of the organization; exercises wide latitude in decision making; and receives only general supervision or direction from the board of directors or shareholders of the organization (an executive does not directly perform tasks related to the actual provision of the service of the organization).
Senior Manager is defined as someone who is in charge of establishing and implementing goals and policies of the company or the department; has the authority to plan, direct and supervise; has the authority to recruit and dismiss or recommend recruiting, dismissing; and exercises supervisory and control function over other supervisory, managerial or professional staffs (not including first line supervisors, unless employees supervised are professional service suppliers, and employees who directly engages in supply of service) or exercises discretionary powers over their daily tasks.
Specialist is defined as someone who possesses proprietary experience and knowledge at an advanced level of expertise essential to the research, design, techniques or management of the organization's service.
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