1. Corporate management, international trade, profit-oriented business
- You are eligible to apply for a D-9 visa if you are a trader who has received a specific code number for international trade from the head of the Korea International Trade Association in accordance with International Trade Laws and Regulations.
2. Installment, management, and maintenance of exporting machinery
- You are eligible to apply for a D-9 visa if you are invited or dispatched to an industrial equipment company for the first time, and you are providing the company with a necessary set of skills for installment․management․maintenance of the equipment.
3. Ship building, Supervision over industrial facilities
- You have been dispatched for ship building or to supervise industrial facilities (a person who was dispatched by a service company designated by a contractor)
4. Corporate management, Business-for-profits
- You have established and managed the company or engaged in activities for profits.
1. A single entry visa with a stay period of one year or less will be issued to a person who provides installment, management, and maintenance of industrial equipments (machinery) to a company that is about to induce the equipments.
① Visa application (form no. 17), passport, one standard size photograph, fee
② Equipment Introduction Contract or any documents proving industrial equipment introduction contract
③ Dispatch order
④ A copy of business registration of the host country or a copy of corporate registration
⑤ Certificate of annual tax payment
※ The head of a diplomatic mission abroad may request additional documents if it is deemed necessary to examine the purpose of entry, genuineness of the invitation and qualifications of the inviter and the invitee.
2. A single-entry visa valid for one year or less will be issued to a person supervising ship building and industrial equipment constructions.
① Visa application (form no. 17), a copy of passport, one standard size photograph, fee
② A copy of trade contract
③ Dispatch order
④ A copy of business registration of the host company or copy of corporate register
⑤ Certificate of annual tax payment
※ The head of a diplomatic mission abroad may request/omit additional documents if it is deemed necessary to examine the purpose of entry, genuineness of the invitation, and the qualifications of the inviter and the invitee.
3. A single entry visa(D-8) valid for one year will be issued to a chilean in accordance with the FTA between the government of the Republic of Korea and the government of the Republic of Chile
A C-3-4 Business Visitor (General) visa will be issued to a person who has failed to submit documents to prove his/her eligibility for the D-8 Corporate Investor visa but who is qualified for the C-3-4 Short-Term Business Visitor status.
Same type of required documentation will be asked to submit as number 1,2 above.
4. A single-entry visa (D-9) valid for one year or less will be issued to an individual foreign business man (taken effect on October 29th, 20‘12)
A. Eligible Applicants
After invested foreign capitals worth 3 billion won in accordance with Foreign Exchange Transaction Act and Foreign Exchange Transaction Regulation, a person who has completed a business registration under Value Added Tax Laws and plans to manage a company or a profit-oriented business in Korea
A sole proprietor, under the Foreign Investment Promotion Act, who has invested more than 300 million KRW after a declaration of foreign investment, are granted a corporate investor registration card
B. Visa Center
In principle, an application should be submitted to a Korean diplomatic mission located in the applicant's country.
※ However, if an applicant is running a company in a different country other than his/her native, he/she should submit his/her application to a Korean diplomatic mission abroad in the country he/she is currently residing (including long-term residents such as a permanent visa holder)
C. Visa Applications
After considering the amount of investment made by applicant and the target industry, a head of diplomatic mission abroad may issue a single-entry visa valid for one year or less to an applicant at his/her discretion.
① Visa Application form (form no. 17), a copy of passport, one standard size photograph, fee
② A copy of business registration, a copy of business licence (not required by all), certificate of investment corporation (holders only)
③ Documents (both original and photocopy) of joint venture contract (not required by all)
※ the documents above should include details on the gross capital, equity, profit sharing allocation method.
④ Documents on business fund
- A certificate of wire transfer, certificate of foreign currency purchase, customs declaration,
⑤ Detailed statement of business fund expenditure
- receipt of purchased goods, office interior's costs, domestic bank statement
⑥ Any documents proving the sales record
- Trade(import&export) permit, value-added tax or final tax return, etc.
※ limited to those who already possess a single entry C-3-4 visa and who had engaged in sales before submitting the D-9 visa application
⑦ Documents confirming the existence of your company
- Office rental contract, photographic documents of workplace, offices, and signs
⑧ A letter pleding employment of nationals (where applicable)
※ The head of a diplomatic mission abroad may request required documents if it is deemed necessary to examine genuineness of the invitation, purpose of entry, and qualifications of the inviter and the invitee.
1. A trade dealer who manages a company or engages in trade or profit-oriented businesses received a registered identification number issued by the Minister of Korea International Trade Association under international trade laws and regulations.
Categorical eligibility is limited to those trade dealers who recorded more than USD 500,000 in performance over the last year.
① Application for a visa issuance (form no. 21), passport, one standard size photograph
② Invitation Statement
③ A copy of business registration or a certificate of corporate registration
④ A copy of international trade registration or a copy of International Trade Agent Registration
⑤ A copy of business plan or documents proving the record of introduction of business funds
⑥ Any documents recording trade performance and results
- Statement of trade performance
⑦ A certificate of annual tax payment
➠ If your representative applies on your behalf, additional documents such as a power of attorney, a proof of current employment status and ID card of the representative are required.
※ The head of an immigration (branch) office may request/omit additional documents if it is deemed necessary to examine genuineness of the invitation, and the qualifications of the inviter and invitee.
2. A single-entry visa valid for one year or less will be issued to a person installing, managing, and repairing an industrial equipment(machinery) of a company. Please note that the company is using this equipment for the first time and inviting the person for the purposes indicated above.
① Visa application (form no. 21), a copy of passport, one standard size photograph
② Invitation Statement
③ Equipment Installation Contract or any documents proving industrial equipment installation
④ Dispatch Order
⑤ A copy of business registration or a copy of corporate register of the host company
⑥ Certificate of annual tax payment
➠ If your representative applies on your behalf, additional documents such as a power of attorney, a proof of current employment status and ID card of the representative are required.
※ The head of an immigration (branch) office may request/omit additional documents if it is deemed necessary to examine genuineness of the invitation, and the qualifications of the inviter and the invitee.
3. A person dispatched for ship building and supervising industrial equipment constructions (an employer or a person dispatched to a company that provides contractual services designated by the employer)
① Application for a confirmation of visa issuance (form no. 21), a copy of passport, one standard size photograph
② Invitation statement
③ A copy of contract
④ Dispatch order (overseas assignment order)
⑤ A copy of business registration of the host company or a copy of corporate registration
⑥ certificate of annual tax payment
➠ If your representative applies on your behalf, additional documents such as a power of attorney, a proof of current employment status and ID card of the representative are required.
※ The head of an immigration (branch) office may request/omit additional documents if it is deemed necessary to examine genuineness of the invitation, and qualifications of the inviter and the invitee.
4. Eligible Applicants for the Agreement on Simplifying Visa Procedure between the government of the Republic of Korea a nd the government of the Republic of India.
A. Eligible Applicants : Employment visitors
You are a technical professional, corporate executive, manager and others hired or appointed by a registered company or organization on a contract basis
(e.g.) intra-corporate transfer, contractual service supplier* or those working for contractual service suppliers, independent professional (freelance expert) and etc.**
* Contractual Service Provider refers to an employee of Indian company who has signed a deal with a Korean company and dispatched to Korea to work
** Freelance Expert (Independent Professional) refers to someone who is not affiliated with any company and who is independently hired or providing services(e.g, technology transfer) to a company or an individual.
B. Visa types and visa issuance
Visa Status: Depending on contractual details and overseas assignment(employment) types, D-7, D-8, D-9, E-3, E-4, or E-7 status will be given.
Visa application: a visa will be given in accordance with a confirmation of visa issuance issued by the Immigration (branch) office.
※ All employment related visas will be issued through a confirmation of visa issuances since they are all multiple-entry visas.
① Application for a confirmation of visa issuance (form no. 21), passport, one standard size photograph
Intra-Corporate Transfer
② Proof of employment demonstrating that you have worked at a current company for at least one year and a dispatch order (overseas assignment)
③ A copy of branch office or local contact office establishment
Contractual Services Suppliers or Those supporting these suppliers
② Proof of employment issued by an employer, documents proving the establishments of companies such as a business registration issued by the government of the India Republic
③ Documents demonstrating that you have signed a service contract with a Korean company or organization
Freelance Expert
(an independent professionals)
② Documents proving contract such as an employment contract or a service contract
③ Degree, relevant licenses, or documents confirming at least one year of your work experiences
➠ If your representative applies on your behalf, additional documents such as a power of attorney, a proof of current employment status and ID card of the representative are required.
※ The head of an immigration (branch) office may request/omit additional documents if it is deemed necessary to examine genuineness of the invitation, and the qualifications of the inviter and the invitee.
1. Corporate management, international trade, profit-oriented business
limited to trade dealers who have performance records worth of US$500,000 or more for the past one year.
- We will confirm through a certificate of Trade Performance Record and Trade Designation Code issued by the head of a Foreign Exchange Bank· the head of the Korea International Trade Association·heads of other organizations designated by the Minister of Trade, Industry, Energy.
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