1. Language Trainee Status (Korean-Language Trainee: D-4-1, Foreign-Language Trainee: D-4-7)
☞ Visas for the nationals of China*, Cuba, Syria, Macedonia and Kosovo are issued through a confirmation of visa issuance
* Among Chinese nationals, visas for the students of accredited Korean universities, students on the government scholarship program and exchange students are issued by the head of a diplomatic mission.
A. Eligible Organizations
A language center* affiliated with an educational organization (university) that meets qualifications as an institution for Student (D-2) visa holders
- A language center of a post-secondary educational institution or foreign educational institution** (community college or higher)
* The language center must be under the authority and responsibility of its university president or dean, and by principle, the center must be located in the university campus. (Immigration officials may ask the university's constitution if necessary)
** In accordance with Article 2 of the Special Act on Establishment and Management of Foreign Educational Institutions in Free Economic Zones and Jeju Free International City, the institution must be located in the Free Economic Zones and Jeju Free International City and approved by the Minister of Education.
※ Lifelong Education Facilities (including a university-affiliated lifelong education facility) and private language academies are not regarded as institutions for General Trainee (D-4) vsa holders.
B. Eligible Applicants
You are a student at a secondary educational institution (high school or below), or you are a graduate of high school or higher who would like to study a language at the aforementioned institutions
- D-4 General Trainee visa issuance* (Korean-language trainee: D-4-1, Foreign-language trainee:D-4-7)
* If you plan to stay in Korea for 90 days or less, you must apply for a C-3-1 Short-Term General visa instead of a D-4 visa
C. Language Training Class
Classes must be offered at least for four days during weekdays (Mon-Fri), for the minimum 15 hours per week (at least 300 hours per semester)
D. Visa Issuance Details
D-4-1 Korean-Language trainee
· A single-entry D-4 General Trainee visa which allows a holder to stay in Korea for 6 months or less will be issued. (However, China·Cuba·Syria·Macedonia·Kosovo nationals are subject to the confirmation of visa issuance)
E. Where to Apply
You must apply at the Korean embassy/consulate general in a country where you are currently residing or where your last school is located.
① Visa Application Form (form #17), Passport, One Standard Size Photograph, Fee
② A copy of business registration of an educational institution or a copy of distinct number card
③ Standard Acceptance Letter* (issued by the President/Dean of University)
④ Proof of Enrollment or any documents proving your final level of education
- By principle, original copies must be reviewed, but if necessary, a duplicate copy can be attached after an official-in-charge compares the original copy and duplicate copy to confirm authenticity
⑤ Documents proving your financial statement* (approximately worth $5,000)
* In principle, documents proving your financial abilities must be reviewed through original copies (ex, balance statement, bankbook, scholarship receipt, deposit/withdrawal statement), and when necessary, a duplicate copy can be attached after an official-in-charge compares the original copy and duplicate copy to confirm authenticity (Balance Statement is only accepted when it is issued within the past 30 days)
※ If you submit your parents' balance statement, you must submit a family relations certificate as well.
▸In principle, you must prove your financial ability (tuition + living expenses) for one year (6 months for language trainees)
⑥ Training Plan (Lecture Schedule, Lecturers' Profiles, Training Facility and etc.)
※ The head of diplomatic missions may ask additional requirements in order to examine the purpose of invitation, genuineness of the invitation and the qualifications of the inviter and invitee.
2. D-4-3 General Trainee visas will be issued to international students at the high school level or below
(Eligible Applicants) You are eligible to apply if you are a national of 21 countries or others, who are invited to study in Korea on a full scholarship offered by an organization (i.e. government organization, public organization, general groups and etc.)
* <21 Countries>: China, Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Mongolia, Thailand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Iran, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Nigeria, Ghana, Egypt, Peru
※ Among nationals of the 21 countries mentioned above, international students who pay tuition on their own shall obtain a visa through a confirmation of visa issuance.
(Visa Application) In principle, you must apply at the Korean embassy/consulate general in a country where you are currently residing or where your last school is located.
(Visa Issuance Details) Period of Stay: Within 1 year, Single-Entry
☞ If you want to know what basic principle and review criteria are for this visa, please see the "Eligible Applicants" section of the "Confirmation of Visa Issuance".
3. Visa issuance for a ⌜government-invited scholar⌟ invited by the National Institute for International Education
If you have an invitation card from the National Institute for International Education, you do not have to submit the standardized acceptance letter
◈ Government-invited scholarship program for students invited by the National Institute for International Education ◈
Invitation Purpose
Visa Status
Korean language training
A bachelor's scholarship recipient must complete Korean language training.
Master's․Ph.D after Korean language training
A master's․Ph.d scholarship recipient is exempt from the Korean language training if his/her Korean is excellent (scoring grade 5 or higher on the Test of Proficiency in Korean)
Ph. D
A research invitee is exempt from the Korean langauge training
1. Language Trainee (D-4-1) Status
A. Eligible Organizations
A language center* affiliated with an educational organization (university) that meets qualifications as an institution for Student (D-2) visa holders
- A language center of a post-secondary educational institution or foreign educational institution** (community college or higher)
* The language center must be under the authority and responsibility of its university president or dean, and by principle, the center must be located in the university campus. (Immigration officials may ask the university's constitution if necessary)
** In accordance with Article 2 of the Special Act on Establishment and Management of Foreign Educational Institutions in Free Economic Zones and Jeju Free International City, the institution must be located in the Free Economic Zones and Jeju Free International City and approved by the Minister of Education.
※ Lifelong Education Facilities (including a university-affiliated lifelong education facility) and private language academies are not regarded as institutions for General Trainee (D-4) vsa holders.
B. Eligible Applicants
Korean language trainees who are nationals of China*, Cuba, Syria, Macedonia, and Kosovo (D-4-1
* Among Chinese nationals, visas for the students of accredited Korean universities, students on the government scholarship program and exchange students are issued by the head of a diplomatic mission.
Foreign language trainee (D-4-7)
C. Application Location
The immigration (Branch) Office having jurisdiction over your new school
You can apply onilne at Korea Visa Portal ( (for a person-in-charge of international students only)
D. Confirmation of Visa Issuance Details
Confirmation of Visa Issuance for a single-entry General Trainee (D-4) visa with a period of stay of six months or less
① An application for a visa issuance confirmation (form no. 21), a copy of passport, one standard-size photograph, fees
② A copy of business registration of the education institute or a photocopy of distinct number card
③ Standardized acceptance letter* (issued by the President/Dean of university)
* You can replace the letter with FIMS information confirmation, or if you are a scholarship student invited by the National Institute for International Education, you can substitute the invitation card issued by the head of the Institute for the letter.
④ Enrollment letter or duplicate copy of your graduation diploma of your final level of education*
* The original copy is reviewed in principle, however, if necessary, a duplicate copy can be attached after an official-in-charge compares the original copy and a duplicate copy to confirm authenticity.
⑤ A document proving your financial ability to support yourself during your stay*
* If you submit your parent's balance statement, you must submit a family relations certificate as well.
※ In principle, documents proving your financial ability must be reviewed through the original copy (e.g. balance statement, bankbook, scholarship receipt, deposit/withdrawal statement), however, if necessary, a duplicate copy can be attached after an official-in-charge compares the original copy and a duplicate copy to confirm authenticity (Balance Statement is only accepted when it is issued within the past 30 days).
⑥ Training Plan (including the lecture Schedule, list of lecturers, training facility details, etc.)
※ The head of the immigration (branch) office may ask additional documents in order to examine the genuineness of invitation and the qualifications of the inviter and invitee.
2. Confirmations of visa issuance for the D-4-3 General Trainee visa will be issued to international students at the high school level or below
A. Eligible Applicants
International Students Who Are Solely Paying For Their Fees
▪You have been accepted to an educational organization defined above, and are planning to enroll or is already enrolled in the school as an international student. Moreover, you not only meet all financial requirements, such as the minimum amount of living expenses, but also have a designated sponsor.
▪Staying expenses (tuition fee + living expenses for one year)
· Tuition (including fees for lecture, residence, admission, etc. that are required when studying in Korea)
· Annual living expenses : KRW 7.5 million per one person (If your parent is accompanying you as a sponsor, then about KRW 1.5 million will be additionally charged as your parent's living expenses)*
* The Ministry of Health and Welfare’s “minimum cost of living” (KRW 617,281 per person) applies to the minimum living expense for international students (annually KRW 7.5 million), while the minimum liviing expense for accompanying parents is twice that for international students (annually KRW 15 million) to consider that the parents have not secured housing.
· Korean National or Foreigner living in Korea
· A sponsor of an international student who is a national of countries where many illegal immigrants come from (21 countries)* must have annual income of at least 26 million KRW or financial assets worth of at least 140 million KRW. (You can choose one of the two financial requirements above.)
* Countries where many illegal immigrants come from (21 countries): China, Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Mongolia, Thailand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Iran, Uzbekistan, kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Ukraine, Nigeria, Ghana, Egypt, Peru
** A sponsor can combine his/her annual income or assets with his/her spouse’s. The minimum standard for annual income and financial assets to qulify as a sponsor were set based on the ‘2012 Gross National Income Per Capita (25.5 million KRW)', and the '2012 Average Net Worth of Middle Class (138 million KRW')
· If your sponsor is a foreigner, he/she must have completed alien registration and hold a long-term status of stay.
· One sponsor can only support up to two international students.
B. Educational Institution
Elementary school, middle school, high school in accordance with Article 2(1) through (3) of the「Elementary and Secondary Education Act」(not including civic school, higher civic school, broadcasting and communications middle/high school, and high technical school), Foreigner school* among all types of schools (not including alternative school) in accordance with Article 2(5) of the aformentioned act, foreign educational institution in accordance with Article 2(2) of the「Special Act on Establishment and Management of Foreign Educational Institutions in Free Economic Zones and Jeju International City」.
* Article 60-2 of the「Elementary and Secondary Education Act」(Foreigners’ School) defines a 'foreigners’ achool' as ① a school established for the education of children of foreigners residing in Korea and those as prescribed by Presidential Decree from among the natives who have returned after residing for a specified period in a foreign country: In accordance with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, foreign nationals can enroll in a foreigners’ school only if their parents (foreigners) are staying in Korea. (The Education Development Cooperation Team, The Ministry of Education)
C. Delegation of Authority and Jurisdiction
You must apply at an immigration (branch) office having jurisdiction over the area where your potential school is located.
D. Eligible Applicants for a Confirmation of Visa Issuance
You are eligible to apply for a confirmation of visa issuance if you are a national of one of the 21 countries below and paying for your own tuition as an international student
* <21 states>: China, Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Mongolia, Thailand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Iran, Uzbekistan, kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Ukraine, Nigeria, Ghana, Egypt, Peru
※ Among nationals of the 21 states and others, if you are coming to Korea on a full scholarship offered by an organization (i.e. Government Organization, Public Organization, Regular Group and etc.), you must apply for a visa at a diplomatic mission (not through confirmation of visa issuance).
E. Visa Issuance Details
Period of Stay: within 1 year, single entry
Common Application
① Confirmation of Visa Issuance (form No. 21), Photocopy of Passport, One Standard Size Photograph
② Photocopy of Educational Institution's Business Registration Certificate (or Distinct Number Card)
③ Acceptance Letter (issued by the President of School, Enclosed Form #1)
④ Documents demonstrating your final level of education (Graduation Certificate or Proof of Enrollment and etc.)
International Student Paying for His/Her own Tuition
Additional Documents
⑤ Any documents that can confirm your tuition payments (official documents or admission announcement of the school confirming course fees, admission fees, and residence fees)
⑥ Documents proving living expenses (Tuition Fee + 1-year living expenses)
- Tuition Fee (including course fee, housing fee, admission fee for studying)
- Annual living expenses (A bank account balance statement or bank statement, etc. that shows at least the minimum standard of money has been deposited for a month or more.)
⑦ Sponsor Guarantee* (Enclosed form #2)
* Even if a parent (or a second-degree relative or closer) is the sponsor of a student, the parent must write the sponsor guarantee as well.
⑧ Documents demonstrating the sponsor's financial ability (limited only to the nationals of countries where many illegal immigrants come from)
- Invoice withholding receipt issued (certified or notarized) by a domestic/international government organization/bank, real estate ownership certificate, real estate contract, account balance statement, etc.
⑨ Documents demonstrating family relations (limited only to the nationals of countries where many illegal immigrants come from)
- You must submit an original copy (with a translated version* attached), and enclose a photocopy of passport, etc. indicating your parent’s english name**
* If the original copy is written in a foreign language, you must attach a translated copy on it and a letter of confirmation of the respective translator (enclosed document #3).
** <Acceptable family relations documents> China : Family Relations Registry or notarized document proving family relations, Philippine : Family Census, Indonesia : Certificate of family relations (KARTU KELUARGA), Bangladesh : 점머 까꺼즈 or 점마 싸이드티켓, Vietnam : 호적부 (So Ho Khau) or Birth Certificate (Giay khai sinh ), Mongolia : Certificate of Family Relations, Pakistan : Family Certificate, Sri Lanka: 빠울러 Certficate, Myanmar : Family Relations Certificate (잉타웅수사옌), Nepal : 전마달다, Kirgizstan/Kazakhstan/Uzbekistan/Ukraine/Thailand : Birth Certificate
※ The head of an immigration (branch) office may ask additional documents in order to examine genuineness of the invitation, qualifications of the inviter and the invitee.
3. A certificate of confirmation of visa issuance for Korean Cuisine Trainee (D-4-5)
A. Procedure for visa issuance
B. Eligible Candidates : a person satisfying ALL of the three conditions
① A person satisfying one or more of the following conditions
- A graduate of high school (or higher) who has 3 years of experience as a chef/cook
- A licensed foreign chef/cook who has at least one year of experience
- A person holding a degree in cooking (including a community college diploma)
- A person studying cooking for at least one year at a community college or higher
② A person with basic Korean language ability (satisfying one of the conditions below)
- TOPIK Grade 1 or Score of 120 on B-KLAT**
* TOPIK is a Korean language proficiency test administered by the National Institute for International Education (NIIED). The test is held at 178 locations in 53 countries twice a year, and you can find the registration information and test location at the NIIED web-site (
** B-KLAT is a Korean language proficiency test administered by the Korea Educational Testing Service (KETS). The test is held at 25 locations in 15 countries for four to six times a year, and you can find the registration information and test location at the KETS web-site (
- A person who has acquired an associate degree or higher from a Korean college/university
- A person who scored 21 or higher on the preliminary test for the Social Integration Program or a person who has completed the level 1 (100 hours) of the Social Integration Program
- A person who has received Korean language training for at least one quarter (150 hours) at a language institute affiliated with a Korean university
- A person who has submitted a request for the exemption from the Korean language requirement (limited to those from the same linguistic zone participating in training programs that are taught in the respective languages of the trainees)
* An institution that has invited a trainee while submitting a request for exemption from the Korean language requirement must arrange an interpreter for the Korean cuisine trainee and teach him/her Korean for at least 12 hours per month in order to receive the training without difficulties after he/she arrives in the ROK. (Please see the enclosed document No. 5)
- An interpreter must be able to speak the mother language of the trainee and Korean at the same time, and the Korean language instructor must satisfy all the requirements on the enclosed list No.6
③ A mentally and physically healthy person
- You must be free from tuberculosis and other infectious diseases considering that the training program concerns cuisine.
C. Recommended training institutes
Recommender: Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporations (aT)
Recommendation Requirements : Recommendation is given after the education level, professional certificates, work experience, and proficiency in the Korean language of the applicant are examined
* ① Proof of graduation (Chef license, certificate of degree or enrollment in a cooking related major) ② certificate of work experience (where applicable) ③ Proof of Korean proficiency [TOPIK, B-KLAT, an associate degree or higher from a Korean (community) college, a certificate of Social Integration Program completion, a proof that you scoreed 21 or higher on the social integration preliminary test, a certificate of completion from a language institute affiliated with university (a quarter of a full-time program or 150 hours or more), or a 'request for the exemption of the Korean Language Requirements']
Procedure for Recommendation : A recommendation form is sent to the inviter. Scanned images of required documents must be sent in an offical letter to the immigration (brach) office.
D. Inviter : Head of the educational institute for (prospective) training
① An application for a confirmation of visa issuance (form no.21), a copy of passport, one standard-size photograph
② A document relevant to the establishment of the training institute (business registration or a copy of distinct number, copy of corporate registration, etc.)
③ A document proving your financial ability to support yourself during the stay (A full-tuition receipt for the training)
※ If the training institution is paying for the trainee’s expenses, a letter of confirmation indicating shall be submitted.
④ A reference letter (only when the Minister of Justice deems it necessary)
⑤ Training plan (including training schedule*)
* In order to prevent the institute from running the weekend programs only, training must be taken during the weekdays primarily for the minimum 4 hours per day (20 hours per week), OR the maximum 8 hours per day (40 hours per week).
⑥ A recommendation letter from the Korea Agriculture and Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT)
* The application is reviewed based on the documents sent by the aT in principle (Documents including a degree certificate is scanned and sent by the aT). However, if there is a ground on which the submitted documents are deemed forged, original copies may be requested for comprehensive review.
☞ If an employee applies on behalf of the head of the inviting institution, a power of attorney, proof of employment, and a photocopy of ID card are additionally requested.
※ The head of the immigration (branch) office may ask additional documents in order to examine the genuineness of invitation and qualifications of the inviter and invitee.
4. Training for foreigners provided by superior educational institutions (D-4-6)
A. Discretion
The head of immigration (branch) office with jurisdiction over the place where the training institution is located issues a certificate of Confirmation of Visa Issuance for a single-entry General Trainee [D-4] visa with period of stay of six months or less.
B. Criteria for Institutions to provide training programs (must satisfy all of the following requirements)
① An institution that meets one of the following requirements
· An educational institution established by a listed Korean company or in connection with it
· A university-affiliated educational institution specialized in technical training
· A korean branch of a well-known educational institution specialized in technical training with overseas headquarters or an educational facility that signed on exclusive operation of the institution (e.g. NHN NEXT, Samsung Design School, Kolon Fashion Design School / Le Cordon Bleu-Sook Myung Academy / Esmod Seoul, Seoul Sasada Fashion School, etc.)
② An educational institution in operation for at least one year
③ An educational institution that offers courses for at least KRW 4 million per semester (KRW 8 million per year*)
* The standard tuition was caculated based on the average annual tuition of Korean universities (KRW 6,697,000 as of 2013 [KRW 7,535,000 only for universities in the Seoul Capital Area]) and additional tools and materials expenses required by a private enducational institution.④ Offering training courses for at least four days during weekdays (Monday to Friday) and 15 hours a week
※ However, if there exists an extenuating circumstance, exceptions will be recognized according to the result of the review of a letter stating the reason, class hours defined in an admission guide, etc.
C. Foreign trainee (must satisfy the following two requirements)
① A person aged 18 or older, with a high school diploma or higher
② A person who proves living expenses during a training period in Korea
- A period of stay of six months or longer: at least USD 5,000 for living expenses in addition to tuition
- A period of stay of less than six months: tuition and living expenses for the specified period of stay (KRW 600,000* per month)
* It was calculated based on the minimum living expenses per month (KRW 572,168) announced by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2013
① An application form for Confirmation of Visa Issuance (Form No. 21), a copy of passport, one standard-size photograph
② A certified copy of corporate registration of an educational institution (Business registration certificate)
③ A letter of admission issued by an educational institution
④ Documents proving financial ability*
* Certificate of account balance, receipt of scholarship, parent’s financial ability, etc.
⑤ Certificate of enrollment or documents proving final levels of education
⑥ Plan for training (including class schedule, list of lecturers, training facility and tuition)
⑦ Documents proving that you have paid tuition or other educational expenses
⑧ An institution established by a listed Korean company or in connection with it
: Documents proving that the educational institution was established by the Korean company or in connection with it
※ If the establishment or connection is difficult to be proved by official documents, other equivalent documents may be submitted instead.
⑨ An institution affiliated with university
: Documents proving that the educational institution was established as an affiliated facility to university
⑩ A Korean branch of an overseas educational institution
: Documents proving that the facility is a Korean branch of an overseas educational institution or the facility has signed an exclusive operation contract with the overseas institution
※ The head of the immigration (branch) office may request additional documents in order to examine the genuineness of invitation and the qualifications of the inviter/invitee.
5. Confirmation of Visa Issuance for General Trainee (D-4) issued to other potential trainees
① An application for confirmation of visa issuance (form No. 21), a copy of passport, one standard-size photograph
② A document confirming your training (research activities) (i.e. a research outline which includes your research schedule and others)
③ A document related to the establishment of the training institute
④ A document proving your financial ability to support yourself during the trip
- A payment confirmation if a training facility is paying for your staying expenses
- In other cases, a letter of remittance or exchange worth of at least USD 3,000
⑤ A reference letter (only when the Minister of Justice deems it necessary or if you have not proved your ability to pay for tuition and other living expenses)
⑥ A copy of your family registration and resident registration (Chinese applicants only)
※ The head of the immigration (branch) office may ask additional documents in order to examine the genuineness of invitation and the qualifications of the inviter/invitee.
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