Foreign National of Special Ability (E-7)
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Persons who want to engage in activities specially designated by the Minister of Justice after being invited by a public or private organization
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1. Expansion of permission exemption for activities outside of the current status of stay
If you(an E-7 holder) plan to receive formal school education within the expiry date, you are not required to obtain permission within the expiry date unless it doesn't impinge on your original purpose of stay. (as of June 15, 2009)
2. Permission for a highly qualified personnel (such as CEO of a Foreign Investment Company), who wishes to work as a lecturer in universities/colleges
3. Employment of "a family member of the foreign government's diplomatic corps or consulate genera" can be permitted when recommended by Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Teaching foreign language at universities, private institutions or etc. (E-2)
Any artistic performing activities such as appearing in TV shows or movies (E-6), an editor, translator, interpreter or other foreign language related occupations at culture/research/media institution/organization or a teacher of international school (E-7), other occupations which can not be substituted by Korean
D-1, D-6, E-1, E-3
Working as an indispensable professional specialist of a Korean branch office or a foreign invested company and financial consultant of a foreign company (E-7)
※ Expansion of activities outside of the current status of stay for family of a member of Canadian Embassy in the Republic of Korea (as of Mar. 09, 2009)
- All status except non-professional field(D-3, E-9, E-10, H-2) (if qualified)
4. Permission for "A-1, A-2 Holders"(at the discretion of the Head of Immigration Office or Branch Office)
Foreign Language Instructor(E-2), Teachers of International Schools (E-7) Foreign Language Editor(E-7), Cultural Arts(D-1), Religious Affairs(D-6), Professorship(E-1), Research(E-3), Civil Servant carrying official missions at a national or local government(E-7), Special Occupation (E-7), IT, E-business related Expert who has a recommendation letter of Minister of respective department
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5. Employment of a spouse of an substantial-amount foreign investor or a professional labor
A. Eligible applicants
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B. Activities Allowed
C. Period Allowed: It depends on the period of stay of the spouse (You can apply for extension again and again.)
D. Required Documents: The accompanying documents for each visa status in accordance with Article 76 of the regulations (A reference letter is not required.)
※ Rules of the confirmation of visa issuance shall apply to E-7
6. Chinese-Korean who is qualified for employment or certain conditions as a Family Visitor (F-1) visa holder ➠ Student (D-2), General Trainee (D-4), Professor (E-1) and Foreign National of Special Ability (E-7)
① an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport and Alien Registration Card, fee
② a recommendation letter from Minister of respective department or any documents proving necessity of employment ③ an employment contract ④ business registration certificate ⑤ a certificate of degree or a license
7. Family Visitor (F-1), Dependent Family (F-3) ➠ Foreign Language Instructor (E-2), Teacher of International School (E-7)
① an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport and Alien Registration Card, fee
② an employment contract ③ business license ④ a teacher's license from your own country(‘a certificate of degree and a certificate of experiences’ can be replaceable) ⑤ criminal records (the same as E-2 requirements) ⑥ Health Checkup Results (the same as E-2 requirements) ⑦ a letter of request from the principal ⑧ current situations regarding foreign teachers
8. Family Visitor (F-1), Dependent Family (F-3) ➠ Foreign Language Copy-editor (E-7) in a national institution or a public organization(a local government, a government investment institution)
① an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport and Alien Registration Card, fee
② an employment contract ③ a copy of business license ④ a recommendation letter (from the institution concerned) ⑤ a certificate of degree (the original and copy)
9. Special cases for Jeju Global Education City workers
A. Teaching assistants, instructors, resident advisors, administrative staffs in the international school
B. Salesclerks of a commercial facility such as food service businesses or a store
* Parents of an international school student or a family of a faculty member of an international school, a foreign college graduate over 18 who is NOT a citizen of an English-speaking country is required to have TOEIC 800(or higher) or TESOL license.
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➠ Amendment of 'Follow-up reporting system' as of Nov. 15, 2010 (Article 26(2), section 1 of the presidential decree of the Immigration Control Act)
《Notification 11-510 of the Ministry of Justice》
※ In the case of a Chef and a Cook, the working hours at the other workplace can not exceed 1/3 of the original workplace's.
A. Eligible applicants
※ Even if you are qualified, you can not change or add your workplace unless you submit a letter of consent from the employer of your original workplace when you resigned or were dismissed from the company before your contract ends due to your own intention or fault.
B. Report Procedures and others
※ In principle, you have to visit the local Immigration Office to report since you are required to receive a sticker or a stamp of change or addition of workplace on your passport. (However, in case of emergency such as an impending due date, you can report by fax first and visit the office as soon as possible to receive the sticker and etc.)
C. Required Documents
① a declaration form of change or addition of workplace[Report form, No.38-3], passport and Alien Registration Card, No fee ② a recommendation letter from Minister of respective department or any documents proving necessity of employment ③ an employment contract ④ a letter of consent from the employer of your original workplace* ⑤ an employment contract ⑥ business registration certificate
※ In principle, a statement of reasons and a reference letter are not required.
* A letter of consent from the employer of your original workplace is not required if you have worked until the contract expires or until the date you and your employer set by consent.(It can be replaced by a statement of reasons if you resigned at the employer's fault such as an overdue wage and business suspension/closure and etc.)
A. Eligible Occupations
B. Required Documents
① a certificate of business suspension/closure, any official documents proving overdue wages, proof of financial difficulty such as a declaration of value-added tax (submit 1 of these)
② a letter of consent from the employer of your original workplace (Not required in the case of business suspension/closure, overdue wages, a breach of contract, and completion of employment contract)
③ documents for evaluating the new company's qualifications (based upon the accompanying documents for the confirmation of visa issuance)
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Change or Addition of Workplace
1. Change Status from Study Abroad(D-2), Job Seeking(D-10) ➠ to Special Occupation(E-7)
A. Qualifications (All the requirements below must be satisfied.)
※ A person with a Student (D-2) visa means an expectant graduate who is qualified to apply for Job Seeker (D-10) visa. (However, if you have already received a bachelor's or higher degree of university in your country or a third country, you can apply for a D-10 visa regardless of whether you are an expectant graduate or not.)
B. Required Documents
① an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport and Alien Registration Card, one standardized photo, fee ②an employment contract ③ documents of corporation registration(business license or certified copy of register) ④ a certificate of experiences ⑤ an employment recommendation letter from the head of an organization concerned or documentary evidence of need for employment
※ If you have an associate degree (2 year college diploma) or a bachelor's degree(or higher), you may have a job that requires a bachelor's degree and 1 year(or longer) work experience without submitting a letter of recommendation(,except for the fields where a letter or recommendation is a must)
2. Change of Status for a citizen of Germany coming to the ROK with Visa Exemption (B-1)
A. Activities Allowed: All activities except non-professional fields (D-3, E-9, E-10, H-1)
B. Period Allowed: It differs depending on the status you are applying for.
3. Change of Status for a Souse of Professional to a Professional Visa
A. Eligible applicants
B. Activities Allowed
C. Required Documents
① an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport and Alien Registration Card, one standardized photo, fee ②an employment contract ③business license ④ a certificate of degree ⑤ certificates and a certificate of experiences ⑥ a recommendation letter from Minister of respective department or any documents proving necessity of employment ⑦ a reference letter
4. Change of Status to teacher of international school(E-7)
A. Eligible applicants
B. Period Allowed
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C. Required Documents
① an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport and Alien Registration Card, one standardized photo, fee
② an employment contract ③ a teacher's license from your own country (‘a certificate of degree and a certificate of experiences’ may supplant it) ④ a recommendation letter from the principal of the school⑤ a letter of consent from the employer of your original workplace (for an eligible person only) ⑥ a reference letter ⑦ documents of school establishment ⑧ criminal records (same as the E-2 requirements) ⑨ Health Checkup Results (same as E-2 requirements)
※ Following Individuals are exempt from submitting criminal records.
※ Health Checkup should be carried out in accordance with criteria of Checkup for recruitment of government officials and should include the results of HIV/Drug(including Philopon, Cocaine, Opium and Marijuana) test. The documents must be issued by a medical institution designated by the Minister of Justice, no more than 3 months before the application
5. Permission of Change to E-7 Foreign National of Special Ability for a highly qualified foreign professional in advanced technology who entered the Republic of Korea without a visa or on a non-work visa due to unavoidable reasons
A. Eligible applicants
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B. Qualifications
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C. Required Documents
① an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport and Alien Registration Card, one standardized photo, fee ② an employment contract ③ a certificate of experiences (a copy of a certificate of degree is required for master's or higher degree holder) ④ business license ⑤ a recommendation letter from the Minister of relevant Department
※ institutions/organizations issuing a recommendation letter
6. Change of Status to Foreign National of Special Ability (E-7) for a skilled technician who has been legally engaged in manufacturing and others for 4 years or longer as a Non-professional Employment(E-9) or other visa holder, satisfying the qualifications such as age, educational background, certificates, and wage requirements.
A. Qualifications (All the requirements below must be satisfied.)
B. Businesses and the number of employees allowed
* A set number for the employment has to be within 10% of the permitted number of employee for each industry/business under the current employment licence system.
* The maximum number of full-time laborer in agriculture, cattle farming, and fishing industries is calculated base on the number of farming workers registered in the Certificate of Farm Size or the number of workers listed on the Members of Employment Insurance including legitimate immigrant workers).
C. Required Documents
① an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport and Alien Registration Card, one standardized photo, fee
② a certificate of degree(a high school diploma in the case of working in the root industry of Article 2 of the Root Industry Promotion Act)*, a certificate of employment, a technical qualification certificate or any documents showing income in the past year, a report card of TOPIK or a certificate of KIIP, an employment contract and others
③ a document of corporation registration such as a copy of business license(if a company is changed)
* It has to be confirmed by the Apostille convention or the consul of Korean diplomatic missions abroad.
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1. Required Documents
A. Required Documents
① Application Form (Report Form, No.34), Passport and Alien Registration Card, Fee
② Employment Contract
③ Any documents proving tax payment
- Receipt for the Earned Income Tax Withholding (issued by your company) or Certificate of Income Amount(issued by a tax office)
④ a copy of business license or a certified copy of corporation register
⑤ The original copy of a reference letter (only for following occupations)
⑥ Acceptable documents for proof of residency (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
2. Special rules for those with specially permitted visa and stay by pact
A. Korean-Indian Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement(CEPA) : Independent Professional(IP)
- A professional who has signed a service contract with a domestic corporation in Korea or an individual business and has 1 year or longer work experiences in a related field*
* Only applicable for an Independent Professional who has made a 'service contract' in concessional occupations(162 types) by pact (the Criteria for the E-7 apply to a professional worker who has made an employment contract of one in E-7 occupations)
- The confirmation of single visa issuance that gives a length of stay equal to contracted period is issued.(If contracted period exceeds 1 year, you can be given 1 year.)
- Extension of stay, change or addition of workplace, change of status, and activities outside of the current status of stay are restricted. (If it's deemed necessary for you to be permitted because of humanitarian reasons such as accidents or diseases, it will be processed in accordance with the general sojourn regulations.)
B. Korean-Russian Agreements about temporary labor activities : professional labor domestically employed
- A qualified person who is hired in the ROK as an employee of a domestic branch, a liaison office, a subsidiary, an affiliated company of a parent company*
* Regulations for the E-7 apply to a professional worker who has made an employment contract with a domestic company as one of E-7 occupations. (Special treats such as a multi visa issuance and permission of stay)
- The confirmation of multi visa issuance valid for 1 year is issued. Extension of stay* for 6 months is permitted(one time only) and accompanying your family member is not allowed.
* You can stay for up to a year and a half from the date of latest entry before the alien registration date. A D-7 or D-8 visa will be issued if you return home and are dispatched as a resident employee by the headquarters again.
3. A member dispatched to a foreign legal consultant office, an office worker dispatched to a foreign law consulting company or a foreign legal consultant office
A. Required Documents
① an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport and Alien Registration Card, fee
② documents related to establishment of domestic law office
③ an employment contract
④ Acceptable documents for proof of residency (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
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1. Implementation of Re-entry Permit Exemption (as of Dec. 1, 2010 revision of enforcement regulations)
- If you are registered and plan to return to the ROK within 1 year from the departure date, you are exempt from Re-entry Permit
- If your authorized period of stay remains less than 1 year, you are exempt from Re-entry Permit for the remaining days.
2. Required Documents
an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport, Alien Registration Card, fee
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1. Required Documents for Registration
① an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport, one standardized photo, fee
② business license in accordance with the ‘Value-Added Tax Act’
③ Health Checkup Results (Only for a teacher of international school)
2. Notification of Change in Registration Information
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① an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport, Alien Registration Card, no fee ② any documents proving change of your information
Korea Attorney introducing Korean Immigration and Visas for Foreigners
Foreign National of Special Ability (E-7)
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눈이 내린다/ 배가 고프다/ 할머니 집은 아직 멀었다/동생한테 붕어빵 한 봉지를 사주었다/ 동생이 빵은 먹고/ 붕어는 어항에 키우자고 해서/그러자고 했다/ 할머니집은 여전히 멀다./ 붕어빵

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