1. Eligible Applicants [Special Table 1, Presidential decree of the Immigration Act, 25. E-7 Special Occupation]
You want to engage in activities specifically designated by the Minister of Justice on a contract with a private/public companies in Korea.
- ‘Designated activities’ refer to activities that are considered ‘necessary' by the Minister of Justice in order to strengthen particular industries through introducing foreign workers who have expertise in knowledge, techniques or capacities (hereinafter referred to as ‘Adopting Occupations‘)
* The State and local governing bodies must put their efforts to find necessary policies and guidelines in order to improve the legal status and treatment of foreign workesr who have expertise in knowledge, techniques or capacities. (Article 16 of the Act on the Treatment of Foreigners in Korea)
(Adopting occupation types) We will separate criteria into professionals, semi-professionals, and skilled workers considering the upper class criteria of the ‘Standard Job Classification of Korea’ and occupational level.
- (professionals) 68 occupations among jobs from Big Category 1(manager) and 2(professional and others), selected by the Minister of Justice.
* Managers from 15 different occupations such as a high-rank executive of a profit oriented groups and other experts from 52 job fields such as life scientist.
- (semi-professionals) 8 occupations (Vocation level 2, 3) from Big Category 3(Office workers), 4(Service workers), and 5(Sales Clerks), selected by the Minister of Justice*
* 4 office workers such as air transport officer and 4 service workers such as transport officer
- (Skilled-labor) 9 occupations (Vocation level 2) among jobs from Big Category 6(Agriculture and Fisheries skilled workers)․7(skilled-labor and workers with relevant skills)․8(machinery operation and assembling), selected by the Minister of Justice
* 3 agriculture/fisheries labors such as a sea cucumber farming technician, and 6 skilled labors such as ship building welding technician
2. Selecting occupations that we are going to introduce and their management
(Selecting occupational categories) We will investigate the current level of demands on foreign professional workers of new occupational fields among central government ministries regularly, while selecting occupations taking accounts of effects, substitutability of Korean citizens and other general criteria.
- When we research on demand, we will consider education level, work experiences and employment conditions of each occupational type. Also, since there are worries in residence management therefore it requires early review, we will consult the agreement as results of Working Level Committee of Professional Workforce Recruitment Support under the Immigration Policy Commission *
* Working Level Committee of Professional Workforce Recruitment Support (Chairman : General Director of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance Economic Policy Bureau, Member: Directors of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice․Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism․Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Labor and Employment, National Intelligence Service․Small and Medium Business Administration)
- As of July 2015, there are 85 occupational types (471 specific types) selected. (There were 75 occupational types and 396 specific types on December 20th, 2007)
(Management) Specific code number will be given to a specific occupational type in order to make it possible to analyse, manage, and calculate statistics of the current state of affairs, numbers, and types of jobs that are introduced.
- Occupation code number will be given in a form of arabic numerals comprising of small type (three digits) in accordance with 'Korea's standard job classification), detailed type (four digits), and ultra detailed type (5 digits).
- In case of a newly established occupational type derived from the status quo, ‘S' will be added in front of the code of the most similar occupational type. (ex. : S ------)
(Standard for Permission of Introduction of Similar Occupations) We will closely examine whether you satisfy requirements for the most similar occupation types, necessity of the job introduction, and substitutability of Korean citizens, and after rigorous review, we will only allow occupations that are most reasonable to introduce.
- Professional occupation types eligible under upper class 1,2 of the big criteria are permitted at the discretion of the head of an immigration (branch) office, Skilled workers who are considered upper class 3 to 8 need a permission from the Minister of Justice.
3 Eligibility for each occupational type and introduction method.
A. Eligibility
(General requirements) You must satisfy any one of the following conditions
- You have a master's degree or higher in the relevant field.
- you have a bachelor's degree and at least one year of work experience in the relevant field.
- You have at least 5 years of work experiences in the relevant field.
(Special Conditions) You must satisfy specific requirements if you work in a field that has designated specific education and work experiences, taking an account of the fact that special treatments are given to those who are considered excellent talents in order to recruit and use them.
- (experienced worker who has worked at one of the World's 500 companies for at least one year) even if you do not satisfy education and work experience requirements, you will be allowed to apply for the visa if the need for employment is considered 'necessary'.
- (World's 200 university (prospective) graduate bachelor's degree holder) Even if you do not satisfy the work experience requirement (at least one year of work experience in the relevant field), you may be hired if the employment need is considered 'necessary'.
- ((Prospective) graduates of domestic community colleges) If you get a job in one of the introduced fields related to your major study, you will be exempted from the work experience requirement of 1 year or more, and if the employment is considered necessary, you will be hired.
- ((Prospective) graduates of domestic universities with a bachelor's degree or higher) If you get a job in a field related to your major study and if your employment is considered necessary, you will be hired regardless of your major.
- (Foreign talents in advanced science and technology, recommended by the relevant ministries) considering they are given preferential treatments for visa issuance, a more strict standard will be applied to them in terms of employment recommendation.
<Employment Recommendation for Preferential Advanced Science and Technology Workers>
Gold Card
Induction of foreign skilled workers project
Employment Recommendation Organization
Ministry of Trade, Indsutry and Energy (KOTRA)
Small and Medium Enterprises Administration (Small and Medium Business Corporation)
Effective Year
Year 2000
Year 2001
Recommended Applicant Requirements
▪at least 5 years of work experience in the same field.
▪Bachelor's degree + at least 1 year of work experience
▪Master's degree or higher
* Work experience in the relevant field is not required for persons who have earned a degree in Korea.
Recommending Occupations
* 8 fields, for example, IT, Technology Management, Nano, Digital Electronics, Bio, Transportation and Machinery, New Materials, Environment and Energy (Public․Private Organization)
* The Small and Medium Business Administration will recommend all fields except for real estate, adult entertainment, gaming industries, etc.
- (Particular Japanese software technician) If you are a Japanese software developer and basic information technician license holder recognized by the Center for the Application of Information Technology (CAIT) and Japan Information Technology Engineer Examination Center (JITEC), a confirmation of visa issuance will be issued regardless of the qualification standards. (entry 61501-302, ’03.3.11.)
- (Chef, Grassroots Industry skilled-technician, ship building welding technician) Occupational standard will be applied.
B. Introduction Method
(Principles) A company recruits a foreign skilled worker it needs and hires him/her after examining his/her qualifications. Then the company applies for a visa or for the change of visa status to the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Justice will review whether or not the foreigner has all qualifications to be issued with a visa.
(Grassroots Skilled-Workers) Non-professional applicants , who satisfy the change of visa status requirements, will be allowed to change their visa status, and if they pass the capacity examination for grassroots industries, which is jointly administered by private and public organizations, they will be regrouped into a human resources pool and will be selected based on a quota system. (The status quo of the introduction procedure for ship building welding technician, however, will remain effective)*
* However, a new introduction method will be implemented separately after it is being discussed by relevant ministries and agencies about detailed procedures and measures. (Effective date will be announced later)
1. A visa will be issued to administrative officers (limited to citizens of their countries only) employed by a diplomatic mission in Korea / period of stay: 1 year or less, single-entry visa valid for 3 months: administrative officers of a special organization (S620)
Eligible Applicants
- Administrative and functional officers, who are employed by diplomatic missions in Korea, foreign cultural centers in Korea, foreign chambers of commerce in Korea and who are also citizens of a country that they are working for, are eligible to apply.
* If a citizen of a third country is hired as an administrative or functional officer, then he/she must obtain an approval from the Minister of justice or must submit a confirmation of visa issuance.
※ F-1 Family Visitor Visa, which the period of sojourn is 1 year, will be given to a domestic worker of a diplomat/public official stationing in Korea if he/she is also a citizen of the country of his/her employee at the discretion of a Korean diplomatic official.
Visa Issuance
- Period of Stay: 1 year or less, single-entry visa valid for 3 months
* Even if the period of contract is 2 years, a visa in which the period of sojourn is 1 year will be issued.
① Visa Application Form (form #17), passport, one standard size photograph, fee
② official documents from a foreign diplomatic mission in Korea requesting for cooperation
③ employment contract
④ documents proving the level of your education and career
※ The head of an immigration office may ask additional documents in order to examine the purpose of entry, genuineness of the invitation, and the qualifications of the inviter and the invitee if deemed necessary.
2. A single entry visa, which allows you to stay for 1 year or less, will be issued to crew members who are hired by a Korean transport company: transport service practician (431)
Eligible Applicants
- You are a crew member who promotes passenger convenience and ensures passenger comfort and safety on an international cruise which is run domestically such as a Kumkang mountain cruise and others.
* An airline pilot or a captain of a ship who have national public officials of a foreign country that are recognized in accordance with the Korean Laws are eligible to apply for E-5 Professionals visas.
* Simple Task Practitioner in delivery service․loading/unloading are eligible applicants for E-10 crew member visas, and those who want to perform at a tourist cruises in accordance with the Tourism Promotion Act are eligible applicants for E-6 Entertainment visas.
Visa Issuance
- period of stay: 1 year or less, a single-entry visa valid for 3 months*
* Please note that even if your period of contract is 2 years, you will be given a visa that allows you to stay for only a year.
① Visa application form (form #17), Passport, One standard size photograph, Fee
② Documents related to the establishment of a hiring company
③ Employment Contract
④ Documents proving the level of your education and career
- degree certificate, career certificate, career resume, license, and others
※ The head of an immigration office may ask additional documents in order to examine the purpose of entry, genuineness of the invitation and the qualifications of the inviter and the invitee if deemed necessary.
3. You are working for a short-term job allowed by the E-7 Special Occupation visa, for 90 days or less
C-4 short term employment visa, which the period of stay is up to 90 days, will be given. (C-4 Short Term employment visa issuance standard will be applied for required document and review criteria)
1. A confirmation of visa issuance
A. Application Procedure
Apply at a local immigration (branch) office that has jurisdiction over the area where the inviting company is located. Also, apply online (Korea Visa Portal) if you are recommended by a central government ministry as a foreign talent.
B. Giving Preferences to Online Application Foreign Talents
If you apply online, either required documents are exempted (if you have been recommended for visa by a visa recommender) or only ‘Employment Recommendation Letter’ can be submitted (if you are recommended by the KOTRA․Small and Medium Business Corporation)while the rest of required documents shall be submitted at the time of alien registration.
2. Common Required Documents and Application Procedure
A. Common Required Documents
① Confirmation of Visa Issuance (form #21), photocopy of passport, one standard size photograph
② Documents regarding establishments of public/private companies
- Business Registration Certificate, Distinct Number Certificate, Foreign Investment Company Certificate and others.
③ Photocopy of Employment Contract
④ Documents proving the necessity of foreign employments
- Invitation Statement, Outline of Foreign Employee Usage*
* The inviting company submit a letter which states the necessity of employing the respective foreign worker, the plan for usage of the worker, and expected outcomes.
- Employment recommendation letter from the head of a relevant central government ministry or recommendation letter* from the relevant group
* Those of occupations that require mandatory employment recommendation from a relevant central administrative ministry must submit a recommendation letter (If the Special Act on designation and management of Economic Free Zones or the Act on Special Cases concerning Special Economic Zone for Specialized Regional Development Regulation are applied to an occupation, a recommendation letter from the Special City MayorㆍMetropolitan City Mayor or Provincial Governor is needed), whereas those of occupations that does not require mandatory employment recommendation can submit only when it is needed.
【 Occupations that require employment recommendation from the relevant government organization 】
U-turn corporate production manager (1413), Vessel Management Expert (1512), Travel Agency Manager (1521), tourism leisure business manager (1521), CADONE(2396), Finance and Insurance Expert (272, at least 5 work experiences without a degree), Travel Package Developer(2732), Performance Planner(2735), Technical Management Expert(S2743), Announcer(28331), Hotel Receptionist (3922), Medical Coordinator(S3922), Tour-interpretation guide(43213), Sea Cucumber Farming Technician(63019), Ship Building Welding Technician(7430), Airplane technician(7521) (As of June, 2013, total: 16 states)
⑤ Personal Reference Letter
≪Occupations that are required to submit personal references≫
sales clerk(31215), chef and cook(441), designer(285), hotel receptionist(3922), medical coordinator(S3922), sea cucumber farming technician(63019), Ship Building Welding Technician(7430), Skilled labor〔Grassroots Industry(740), General Manufacturing and Construction companies(700), Agriculture/Livestock/Fishery Industry(610)]
⑥ Documents Proving Your Qualifications.
- Degree Certificate, Career Certificate, Career Resume, License, and others
➠ When you request to use a representative : Power of Attorney, Proof of employment of th representative, photocopy of representative ID will be required additionally
<Simplification of required documents for a company that has contributed to advancements of society and of the rule of law>
Companies that have respected laws and made a significant social contribution will be given a preferential treatment, such as being exempted from submitting documents related to the establishment of the company and employment requirement, in order to increase public conscious towards rule of law.
* Faithful Corporate Tax-Payers designated by the National Tax Service, Top 100 Excellent Company designated by the Ministry of Employment and Labor, large corporations that have high growth index, designated by the Fair Trade Commission and others
※ The head of an immigration (branch) office may ask additional documents in order to examine genuineness of the invitation, qualifications of the inviter and the invitee if it is deemed necessary
B. Detailed Review Criteria for Each Job Type (job description, qualifications, review standards, required documents and additional documents)
1. Manager(15 occupations)
Economic Interest Group Executives (S110)
Corporate Executives(1120)
Management Support Manager(1202)
Education Manager(1312)
Insurance and Finance Manager (1320)
Culture․Arts․Design and Multimedia Manager(1340)
Information Communication Manager (1350)
Other Professional Service Manager (1390)
Construction and Mining Manager(1411)
Production-related Manager(1413)
Agriculture․Fisheries Manager(14901)
Sales Manager(1511)
Transport-related Manager(1512)
Lodging․Travelling․Entertainment and Sports Related Manager(1521)
Hospitality Service Manager(1522)
2. Experts and practitioners in related fields (52 occupations)
Life Science Expert(2111)
Life Science Expert(2112)
Physics Experts (21121)
Chemistry Expert (21122)
Astronomy and Meteorology Expert(21123)
Social Science Researcher(2122)
Computer Hardware Technician (2211)
Communication Engineering Technician (2212)
Computer System Designer and Analyst (2221)
System Software Developer(2222)
Applied Software Developer(2223)
Database Developer(2224)
Network Software Developer (2225)
Computer Security Expert (2226)
Web and Multimedia Planner(2227)
Web Developer (2228)
Architect and Architectural Engineering Technician (2311)
Civil Engineering Expert(2312)
Landscaping Technician (2313)
City and Transportation Planning Expert(2314)
Chemical Engineering Technician(2321)
Metals․Materials Engineering Technician (2331)
Environmental Engineering Technician(2341)
Electricity Engineer Technician(2351)
Electronic Engineering Technician (2352)
Mechanical Engineering Technician(2353)
Plant Engineering Technician (23532)
Cars․Ship․Airplane․Train Engineering Expert (S2353)
Textile Engineering Technician(2392)
Gas․Energy Technician(2393)
Instructor at Global Technical Institution(2543)
University Lecturer(2512)
Other Education-Related Expert(25919)
Foreigner's School․Foreign Education Institution․International School․School for Gifted Children's teachers(2599)
Legal Expert(261)
Government Administration Expert(2620)
Special Institution Administrative Officers(S2620)
Management and Diagnosis Experts(2715)
Finance and Insurance Experts(272)
Travel Package Developer (2732)
Advertisement and Promotion Expert(2733)
Research Expert(2734)
Event Planner (2735)
International Sales Clerk(2742)
Technology Sales Representative(2743)
Technology Management Expert(S2743)
Image Related Designer (S2855)
1. Office Workers (4 occupations)
Sales Clerk within Duty Free Shops or Jeju English Education City (31215)
Air Transport Office Workers (31264)
Hotel Receptionist(3922)
Medical Coordinator (S3922)
2. Service Practitioner(4 occupations)
Transport Service Practitioner(431)
Tour Guide Interpretor (43213)
Casino Dealer(43291)
Chef and Cook (441)
<Skilled Labors>
1. Agriculture/Livestock/Fishery Skilled workers (3 occupations)
Agriculture/Livestock/Fishery Skilled Workers(610)
Sea Cucumber Farming Technician(63019)
2. Functional Workers and Skilled Practitioner (6 occupations)
Halal Butcher(7103)
Musical Instrument Manufacturer and Tuenr(7303)
Grassroots Industry skilled-labor (740)
Skilled Technicians At General Manufacturing and Construction Companies (700)
Shipbuilding Welding Technician (7430)
Airplane Technician(7521)
3. A confirmation of visa issuance will be issued to main job categories
A. A confirmation of visa issuance for chef and cook (441)
You supervise and facilitate cooking assistant in a kitchen with a chef in a hotel, restaurant, and vessel while planning the cooking plan and preparing recipe and cooking food.
Period of Stay: up to 2 years, Single-entry Visa
① An application form for confirmation of visa issuance (form no.21), photocopy of passport, one standard size photograph
② Invitation statement and detailed plan of usage
③ Business registration certificate and photocopy of business report certificate
④ Certificate of sightseeing facilities for convenience
⑤ Photocopy of Employment Contract
⑥ Personal reference letter
⑦ Documents proving sales record
- Value-added Taxation Standard Certificate and a list of employment insurance subscribers
⑧ original copy and photocopy of chef/cook license
- Apostille confirmation by your country's government or consul confirmation by a Korea's diplomatic mission in your country
⑨ Proof of employment certificate or career certificate
- Apostille confirmation from your country's government or a Korean consul stationed in the respective country
⑩ Resume
➠ If you hire a representative: Power of Attorney, Representative's proof of employment, photocopy of representative ID will be additionally required.
※ The head of an immigration (branch) office may ask additional documents in order to examine genuineness of the invitation, qualifications of the inviter and the invitee if it is deemed necessary.
B. Teachers of Foreigner's school․Foreign Educational Institution․Jeju International School (2599)
You carry teaching tasks at a Foreigner's school (Foreigner's kindergarten), Foreign Educational Institution, and an International High School
A single entry visa in which the period of stay is maximum 2 years
※ Nevertheless, for teachers at international school, please see regulations as set forth in article 20(5) of the Presidential decree of the Special Act on Designation and Management of Free Economic Zones
•Foreign teaching staff : a single entry visa, period of stay: up to 5 years
•Foreign Teachers : a single entry visa, period of stay: up to 3 years
① A confirmation of visa issuance application (enclosed form #21), photocopy of passport, one standard size photograph
② Documents regarding the establishments of a public/private organization
- Business Registration Certificate, photocopy of specific code number card
③ Employment contract
④ Original copy or a photocopy of a degree or a teacher license from your country
- Those who have teacher licenses are exempt from submitting a degree requirement.
⑤ Career certificate and Resume
⑥ Criminal Records Certificate
- Those who are eligible for autonomous verification recipient* are exempt from a criminal record check requirement when they apply for a confirmation of visa issuance. However, an educational institution which has caused a problem related to criminal records are prohibited from autonomous verification for maximum 2 years.
※ Autonomous verification recipient refers to those who have teacher's license holder of their country of origin, who have been hired through a job fair, who have worked as an E-2 foreign Language Instructor for E-7 foreign teacher for at least 3 years in the past 5 years.
- If you are not eligible for the independent verification, you must submit a criminal record issued by the federal (central) government of your country when you request for a confirmation of visa issuance.
※ criminal record issued by the central(federal) government of the respective country must be submitted
⑦ Self Health Check-up Confirmation
- A confirmation of visa issuance will not be issued, by principle, to those who have experienced drugs or who are infected by an officially designated communicable disease.
* However, the Ministry of Justice ensures that visa rejection does not occur just because the applicant is HIV positive.
➠ If you request for a representative : power of attorney, proof of employment for representative, photocopy of the representative ID are additionally required.
※ The head of an immigration (branch) office may ask additional documents in order to examine genuineness of the invitation, qualifications of the inviter and the invitee if it is deemed necessary.
4. Review standards for eligible applicants for the application of a labor agreement between countries
A. Eligible Applicants for the Agreement on Simplifying Visa Procedures Between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the government of the Republic of India
(Eligible Applicants) You are an independent business owner who is not part of an India corporation, and have signed a service provider contract with a Korean company, entering the Republic of Korea to carry out the terms and conditions of this contract.
(Qualifications Standard) You are an Indian citizen, having a bachelor's degree in 162 fields of Korea-India CEPA experts, and have at least one year of work experience. (However, you must hold a Ph.D degree or equivalent if you are a biologist and chemist.)
① confirmation of visa issuance (Enclosed form #21), photocopy of passport, one standard size photograph
② Service provider contract between a domestic corporation and yourself OR an individual business owner and yourself
③ Copy of corporate registration of a private enterprise or an individual business owner or photocopy of business registration certificate
④ Tax payment certificate
⑤ Documents proving your education and career
⑥ Documents proving the necessity of service supply
- Plan of Usage, employment recommendation letter
⑦ Required Documents for other types of occupations.
➠ When a representative applies : Power of Attorney, Representative's proof of employment, photocopy of representative ID
※ The head of an immigration (branch) office may ask additional documents in order to examine genuineness of the invitation, qualifications of the inviter and the invitee if deemed necessary.
B. You are a professional employed by a company in Korea for which the agreement between republic of Korea and the government of the Russian Federation on Temporary Labor Activities of Nationals of One State in the Territory of the Other State is applied
(Eligible Applicants) you are an employee hired by an organization (branch office‧local office, contact office, subsidiary company, affiliated company) that is directly or indirectly controlled by a parent company in accordance with the establishment agreement(constitution) between the parent company and the organization (the Second Paragraph, Article 2(b) of the Agreement)
(Qualifications and Required Documents) Since there is no separate qualification criteria under this agreement, work experiences, required documents, and educational requirements stated in this guideline will be applied.
C. Professionals hired in Korea and affected by the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Temporary Labor Activities of Nationals of One State in the Territory of the Other State
(Eligibility) You are a Uzbekistan professional who wants to work temporarily at a branch office of a company that is engaged in commercial activities in the Republic of Korea. (Article 3(b) of the Agreement)
1. Criteria to protect National Employment
- Professionals: In principle, the criteria to protect national employment do not apply to professionals to consider that they are hard to be replaced by Korean nationals and highly contribute to sovereign wealth and job creation. However, exceptions are made for overseas sales representatives and translators/interpreters as the invitation system may be overused for such occupations.
- Semi-professionals and skilled workers: Employer requirments, the ceiling on the number of foreign employees per company, minimum wage requirements, etc. apply to protect national employment.
- However, the above principles do not apply to part-time jobs allowed upon permission for “activities not covered by the status of sojourn” or “addition of workplace”.
(General Review Criteria)
- (Employer requirements) A domestic consumption-oriented company with less than five Korean employees are restricted from inviting foreign employees in principle. If specific employer requirements are set for an occupation in consideration of its features, an employer shall meet the requirements.
- (Foreign employee quota per company) In principle, employers are permitted to hire E-7 employees (applied by the review criteria to protect national employment) within the range not exceeding 20% of Korean employees.
(Wage conditions) We will compare the average wage of Korean citizens who has the same job in order to prevent employers from being expedient by using low wage workers
- A visa will not be issued if the indicated wage on an employment contract is less than 60% of the Korean national's wage with the same work experiences (apply to those whose annual salary 30 million KRW only) or is less than 1.5 million KRW per month (apply to those whose annual salary is 30 million KRW only)
(Review criteria for special cases)
- (Companies with speicial technology, foreign invested companies with USD 100,000 or more in sales + at least one Korean employee, trading companies doing business with special language areas, and venture companies) If recommended by competent agencies such as Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency, KOTRA, etc., even a company with 1 through 4 Korean employees is permitted to hire one E-7 employee (applied by the review criteria to protect national employment, e.g. translator/interpreter, overseas sales representatives, etc.).
- (Companies in the Sae Man Geum Economic Cooperation Area) Employers are permitted to hire E-7 employees (applied by the review criteria to protect national employment, e.g. translator/interpreter, overseas sales representatives, etc.) within the range not exceeding 30% of Korean employees.
- (Manufacturing companies in advanced industries) If recommended by competent agencies such as Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency, KOTRA, etc., the employers are permitted to hire E-7 employees (applied by the review criteria to protect national employment, e.g. translator/interpreter, overseas sales representatives, etc.) within the range not exceeding 50% of Korean employees.
- (Trading companies doing business with special language areas) If a company (including foreign invested companies) exports in access of USD 500,000 to countries where “special” languages such as Russian are spoken (except for English, Chinese and Japanese that are widely spoken by Korean nationals), and if recommended by competent agencies such as Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency, KOTRA, etc., the employers are permitted to hire E-7 employees (applied by the review criteria to protect national employment, e.g. translator/interpreter, overseas sales representatives, etc.) within the range not exceeding 70% of Korean employees.
- (Small-scale foreign invested/venture companies at the early stage of operation) The “foreign employee quota per company” does not apply to small-scale companies involved with manufacturing, trading, consulting, R&D, etc. for a maximum of two years upon establishment. (Companies without Korean nationals may also hire foreign employees.)
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