
Foreign Language Instructor (E-2)

Foreign Language Instructor (E-2)
A foreigner who meets the standards set by the Minister of Justice may be allowed to teach conversation skills in a foreign language at a foreign language specialized academy, educational institutions such as an elementary school or higher, or the institution's affiliated language centers, language institutes of broadcasting companies and enterprises or any other equivalent entities.
A. Definition of Conversation Skills Training
It involves teaching activities in a foreign language academy, educational institution, company, or organization, on how to communicate in a foreign language.
Therefore, these activities do not include the teachings of certain foreign linguistics, or literatures in the language, or interpretation/translation techniques.
B. Places
A foreign language specialized academy, educational institutions such as an elementary school or higher, or the institution's affiliated language centers, language institutes of broadcasting companies and enterprises or any other equivalent entities
This includes distant learning academies or institutions that use ICT to teach school curriculum and etc. (Pursuant to the revised Act on the Establishment and Operation of Private Teaching Institutes and Extracurricular Lessons)
1. An instructor in a foreign language academy and etc.
A national of a country that uses the certain foreign language as its native language and who has graduated a college/university or higher institution in the country with at least bachelor degree or who has equivalent or higher academic credentials.
Exceptions for graduates of a university/college in the Republic of Korea
- An individual who graduated a highschool or a community college (2 years) in a country which uses a certain foreign language as its native language, and acquired at least a bachelor degree in a university in the Republic of Korea, will be eligible.
2. A foreigner who has been selected by the Ministry of Education or a superintendent of an office of education of a city or a province of Korea and who wishes to work at elementary, middle, or highschool in Korea.
English Native Speaker Assistant Teacher (EPIK)
English Assistant Teacher under CEPA between Korea and India
Participants selected for TaLk (Teach and Learn in Korea) Program
Native Chinese Assistant Teacher (CPIK)
2 years
1. Expansion of permission exemption for activities outside of the current status of stay
If you (E-2 holder) plan to receive formal school education (elementary, middle, high school, or university/college) before expiry of your stay, you are not required to receive another permission unless it impinges on your original purpose of stay. (Effective since June 15, 2009)
2. Range of activities a foreign language Instructor (E-2) is allowed to participate without permission
(Guideline for Visa Issuance and Sojourn Management for a foreign language instructor)
A. Foreign Language Conversation Training for colleagues and others in the workplace
Eligible Applicants
a registered alien with Professor (E-1) ~ Foreign National of Special Ability (E-7), Long-term News Coverage (D-5) ~ International Trade (D-9)
activities allowed
teaching foreign language conversation to colleagues at the company/institute/organization you belong to
B. Volunteer activities as a foreign language instructor are allowed to do without intention to make profits
Eligible Applicants
a person who is registered(or is exempt from registration) and stays legally
activities allowed
teaching foreign language conversation voluntarily at a social welfare facility or a community center (i.e. a school, a religious facility) without any intention to make profits
C. Common Requirements
- If teaching activities go beyond the permitted standards mentioned above and become your main activity, you will not be included from the permission exemption
3. A registered foreigner qualifying for Foreign Language Instructor(E-2) (including A-1, A-2, A-3)
A. Eligible Applicants and Authority
A registered foreigner who is qualified for Foreign Language Instructor(E-2)(including A-1, A-2, A-3) can apply for the permission of participation in E-2 activities, and the permission will be given at the discretion of the Head of Immigration Office or Branch Office.*
B. Required Documents and others
Teaching Assistants who made an employment contract with the Head of a district School Board
an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport and Alien Registration Card, fee
a letter of acceptance an employment contract (the original and a copy)
Your education background, criminal records and health status are autonomously reviewed by the jurisdictional educational office, therefore, you are exempt from submitting related certificates.
Other Foreign Language Conversation Instructors except ones above
an application form (Report Form, No.34), passport and Alien Registration Card, fee
an employment contract (original and copy) a copy of a business registration certificate
A proof of your education confirmed by a public authority*
- If you submitted a confirmed document in the past, then you are exempt from this requirement.
* The document needs to be confirmed by the Apostille Agreement (for participants countries), by the consul of the diplomatic mission abroad (for non-apostille-participants countries), or by the government agency (for Japanese only).
If you received a degree from a Korean University, you can submit a copy of a degree which is not confirmed by public authority.(The information can be verified via our immigration information system and a certificate of a degree.)
Criminal Records confirmed by a public authority and issued within 6 months from the date you filed application*
- If you already submitted criminal records confirmed by a public authority before and left the country and now are in the middle of process of re-applying within 3 months of your last departure, you are exempt from the requirement to submit the criminal records. However, if it has been more than 3 months since you left the country, you are required to submit a renewed one.
*The document needs to be confirmed by the Apostille Agreement (for participants countries), by the consul of the diplomatic mission abroad (for non-apostille-participants countries), or by the government agency (for Japanese only).
- In principle, you are not allowed to obtain permission unless you have clean Criminal Records.
Health Checkup Results*
* Health Checkup should be carried out in accordance with criteria of Checkup for recruitment of government officials and should include the results of HIV/Drug(including Philopon, Cocaine, Opium and Marijuana) test. Also it should be issued by a medical institution designated by the Minister of Justice.
a copy of registration of establishment and operation of private institution (if applicable) a copy of lifelong education facility registration (if applicable)
4. Permission for a Foreign English Scholar invited by the Government
A. Eligible applicants
Only for a student selected for "Foreign English Scholar invited by the President (Government)-TaLK" by the Ministry of Education(the Head of a district School Board)
A citizen of an English-speaking country with D-2 visawho
- has completed at least 2 years of university in an English-speaking country; or
- has been educated in English for 10 years or more and completed at least 2 years of a Korean university.
B. Required Documents
an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport, Alien Registration Card, no fee “Foreign English Scholar invited by the President” a letter of acceptance (issued by the Chairman of the National Institute for International Education or the Head of a district School Board) an employment contract a copy of a business registration certificate
5. Permission for a foreign language instructor working at a language camp
A. Criteria
working at a camp registered(reported) as a lifelong education facility in accordance with the Lifelong Education Act
-working at a camp registered(reported) as a lifelong education facility to a local government (i.e. cultural center of English language, English village and etc.)
The operation of camps falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, and there are no particular restrictions as long as the camp is registered as a lifelong education facility.
When a private institution runs a language camp outside of the existing facility or runs a camp under the name of another organization/institution that is allowed to obtain permission to run a camp (Article 8 of the Act on the establishment and operation of private teaching institutes and extracurricular lessons)
B. Eligible applicants
A person with Professorship(E-1) who has been granted permission for activities as Foreign Language Instructor(E-2)
A person with Foreign Language Instructor(E-2) who has been granted permission for the addition of workplace
A person with Short Term Employment(C-4, English Camp) : Report/permission is not required
6. Employment of a spouse of a foreign investor who has invested a significant amount of money or a spouse of a professional
A. Eligible applicants
A spouse of a foreign professional labor sunken expert in advanced technology(GOLD card) or an expert in technology(IT card)
A spouse of a foreign investor(including corporations) who has invested US$500,000 or more as an investment visa holder
A spouse of a foreign professional labor( A E-1, E-2, E-3, E-4, E-5, E-6, (excluding E-6-2), E-7 visa holder)
B. Activities Allowed
All activities except non-professional fields (D-3, E-9)
C. Period Allowed: Until the spouse's authorized period of stay expires ( You can apply for the extension of period of stay)
D. Required Documents: The accompanying documents for each visa status in accordance with Article 76 of the regulations (A reference letter is not required.)
Rules of the confirmation of visa issuance shall apply to E-7
A. Overview
In order to strengthen national competitiveness by making better use of professional labor, the system is reformed as 'Follow-up reporting system' from 'Prior permission system' so that you(E-2 holder) can change and add a workplace more easily.
Not only the workplace that you are working under the employment contract, but also the other place(s) you are working following your employer's order within the contract are included in the "Designated Workplaces".
Designated Workplace (examples)
If a native English teacher of "B" elementary school, who belongs to a provincial "A" district School Board, teaches at "C" and "D" elementary school within the jurisdiction, "B","C", and "D" are designated workplaces.
When a language instructor of "A" institution visits a "B" corporate/company to teach foreign language conversation, "A" and "B" are designated workplaces. (However, the company/corporate should be qualified to hire a foreign language instructor and the lesson hours can not exceed 1/3 of those of "A" institution.)
Other cases similar to examples above
Common Requirement : Teaching activities at the other place(s) should be within the contract and your status, with no additional contracts or payment and it can not be dispatched work type.
B. Eligible applicants and Reporting Procedures
Eligible applicants
- A person who has completed the former contract normally and then changed a workplace, or changed the workplace due to the former employer's fault such as business suspension/closure or etc.;
- A person whose contract has been terminated due to his/her own fault or intention but changes a workplace with the consent of the former employer;
- A person who signed an additional contract with other workplace with a consent from the current employer.; or
- A person who receives separate payments for his/her work in another workplace for times not exceeding 1/3 of the original workplace following the instructions of the current employer
If the foreigner is delivering a lecture and paid based on a contract between the original employer and another institution/organization permitted to hire E-2 visa holders, it is deemed to construe a subcontract requiring addition of a workplace. Therefore, adding the institution/organization as a new workplace is reasonable.
If a company is suspected to hire too many employees relevant to the size of the classroom and the number of enrolled students, an investigation will be conducted on the company to decide whether to permit further employment in order to prevent the surplus employees from engaging in illegal tutoring.
- A lecture schedule of each E-2 instructor, etc. will be reviewed to check whether lectures are delivered according to a time table and whether one third or more of monthly lecture time is spent on business trips. If violation is found to exist, the issue of Confirmation of Visa Issuance is not allowed and additional employment is restricted until the ground for violation ceases to exist.
Individuals Restricted (Notification 2011-510 of the Ministry of Justice , as of 11.10.4. see Appendix 8)
- A Government-invited Scholarship student who is not qualified for working at the place he/she wants to work at*
* If you haven't graduated from a university(with bachelor's degree), you can not change your workplace as you are not qualified to be a language instructor of private institution.
- Even if you are qualified, you are not allowed to change or add your workplace unless you submit a letter of consent issued by the employer of your original workplace after you resigned or were dismissed from the company before your contract ends due to your own intention or fault.
C. Report Procedure and others
The person(the alien) under obligation to notify has to report to the Head of the local Immigration Office within 15 days from the date of occurrence and submit an 'Application for Change of Addition of Workplace (Annex9)' (Report by proxy is allowed)
In principle, you have to visit the local Immigration Office to report since you are required to receive a sticker or a stamp of change or addition of workplace on your passport.*
D. Required Documents
an employment contract (original and copy), business registration certificate (or certificate of Proper Number), a letter of consent from the employer of your original workplace, any documents relevant to establishment, etc.
A letter of consent from the employer of your original workplace is not required if you have worked until the contract expires or until the date you and your employer agreed upon. (It can be replaced by a statement of reasons if you resigned at the employer's fault such as an overdue wage and business suspension/closure and etc.)
You are not eligible to apply for 'Grant of Status'.
A. Eligible applicants and Authority
A registered foreigner(including A-1, A-2, A-3) who wants to change his/her status to E-2 and any foreigner who has been hired as a teaching assistant of Elementary/Middle school by the Head of a district School Board can apply for permission of participation in E-2 activities, and the permission will be given at the discretion of the Head of Immigration Office or Branch Office.
B. Required Documents
Required Documents
- Official Proof of EducationCriminal Records and Health Checkup Results confirmed by a public authority, an employment contract, any documents relevant to the establishment of institution, other necessary documents for consideration
If you submitted the Proof of EducationCriminal Records, Health Checkup Results confirmed by a public authority in the past and have been in Korea with a D-10 visa or one of other visas, you are exempt from submitting the documents.
If you are an English teaching assistant of Elementary/Middle school, who made an employment contract with the Head of a district School Board, you only required to submit ‘an employment contract’ and ‘a letter of acceptance for an English teaching assistant’.*
* Proof of EducationCriminal Records and Health Checkup Results will be examined by a district School Board.
Health Checkup Results must be sealed when submitted (Do not open the envelop.)
In principle if the wage on an employment contract does not meet the minimum wage standard, permission for change the status of stay is not allowed.
1. If you are invited and hired by the Ministry of Education(the Head of a district School Board),and expected to work as a foreign language instructor for elementary/middle/high school, you can apply for change of status to E-2 regardless of your current status.
an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport and Alien Registration Card(for an eligible person only), one standardized photo, fee
a letter of acceptance issued by the Chairman of the National Institute for International Education or the Head of a district School Board
an employment contract (original and copy)
a copy of School's business license document (or a copy of certificate of Proper Number)
* However, if you are an English teaching assistant of Elementary/Middle school who signed an employment contract with the Head of a district School Board, you are not required to submit the official proof of educationa certificate of work experience and Health Checkup for employment. However, you are required to submit ‘a letter of acceptance’ and ‘an employment contract‘. (Also if you already submitted Proof of EducationCriminal Records, Health Checkup Results confirmed by a public authority in the past and have been in Korea with a D-10 visa or one of other visas, resubmission is not required)
2. A registered foreigner who is qualified for Foreign Language Instructor(E-2) (including A-1, A-2, A-3)
A. Eligible applicants and Authority
A registered foreigner who is qualified for Foreign Language Instructor(E-2)(including A-1, A-2, A-3) can apply for permission of participation in E-2 activities, and the permission will be given at the discretion of the Head of Immigration Office or Branch Office.*
B. Required Documents and others
an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport and Alien Registration Card, one standardized photo, fee
an employment contract (original and copy) a copy of business license
A proof of your education confirmed by a public authority*
- If you submitted a confirmed document in the past, then you are exempt from this requirement.
* The document needs to be confirmed by the Apostille Agreement (for participants countries), by the consul of the diplomatic mission abroad (for non-apostille-participants countries), or by the government agency (for Japanese only).
If you have a degree from a Korean University, you can submit a copy of a degree which is not confirmed by public authority.
Criminal Records confirmed by a public authority and issued within 6 months from the date you filed the application*
- If you submitted a criminal record confirmed by a public authority and then left the country but currently in the process of re-applying within 3 months of your last departure, you are not required to submit the criminal record again. However, if it has been more than 3 months since you left the country, you are required to submit a renewed record.
* The document needs to be confirmed by the Apostille Agreement (for participants countries), by the consul of the diplomatic mission abroad (for non-apostille-participants countries), or by a consul of your country in the ROK (for those staying in the ROK)
- In principle, you can not be granted permission unless you have clean Criminal Records.*
Health Checkup Results* (It must be sealed when submitted. Do not open the envelop.)
* Health Checkup should be carried out in accordance with criteria of Checkup for recruitment of government officials and should include the results of HIV/Drug(including Philopon, Cocaine, Opium and Marijuana) test. Also it should be issued by a medical institution designated by the Minister of Justice.
a copy of registration of establishment and operation of private institution (if applicable)
a copy of lifelong education facility (if applicable)
3. Changing status from Study Abroad(D-2), Job Seeking(D-10) to Foreign Language Instructor(E-2)
A person staying in the ROK legally with Job Seeking(D-10) or a Study Abroad(D-2)* visa
The field you wish to have a job must be included to the visa status of Professorship(E-1)Foreign Language Instructor(E-2)Research(E-3)Technology Transfer(E-4)Professional Employment(E-5)Arts & Performance(E-6)**Special Occupation(E-7) and you must have required qualifications.
You are required to make a employment contract with the Head/President of the organization/institute.
A. Qualifications (All the requirements below must be satisfied.)
A person with a Study Abroad(D-2) visa means an expectant graduate who is qualified to apply for Job Seeking(D-10) visa. (However, if you already hold a bachelor's or higher degree of university in your country or a third country, and have necessary qualifications and experiences, you can apply for D-10 visa regardless of whether you are an expectant graduate or not.)
B. Required Documents
an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport and Alien Registration Card, fee an employment contract certificate of a degree or a certificate of work experience any documents relevant to the establishment of the company/institution (i.e. business license, a certificate of private academy establishment, a certified copy of register) Criminal Records Health Checkup Results (It must be sealed when submitted. Do not open the envelop.)
3. Change of Status for a citizen of Germany coming to the ROK with Visa Exemption (B-1)
A. Permitted Status of Stay: All activities except non-professional fields(D-3, E-9, E-10, H-1)
B. Period of Permitted Stay: It differs depending on the status you are applying for.
A person who is qualified for Foreign Language Instructor(E-2)
1. Required Documents
an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport and Alien Registration Card, fee
an employment contract (Both the original and a copy)
a copy of business license a copy of registration of establishment and operation of private institution (for an eligible person only)
In the case of working at a lifelong education facility or a corporation (Documents such as current status of registered students, timetable of lessons, a receipt for earned income tax withholding and etc. will be evaluated for approval.)
If you are a registered foreigner and received a request to prepare Criminal Records and proof of education before, you are required to submit the document(s) you were asked to.
Acceptable documents for proof of residency (i.e. Lease contract, confirmation of provided residence, a mail giving the notice of the expiry date of your period of sojourn, a utility bill payment for any public services, receipt of university housing fee and others.)
timetable of lessons
A native English teacher, invited by the Ministry of Education or a district School Board, is exempt from submitting Criminal Records Proof of Education Health Check-up Results.
2. Special Case of Period of Stay
An English Teaching Assistant in accordance with the Korea-India CEPA Agreement
- Period of Employment: 1 year
Foreign English Scholar Invited by the Government (TaLK) and Native Chinese Teaching Assistant(CPIK)
- Period of Employment: up to 2 years
1. Implementation of Re-entry Permit Exemption (as of Dec. 1, 2010 revision of enforcement regulations)
- If you are registered and plan to return to the ROK within 1 year from the departure date, you are exempt from Re-entry Permit
- If your authorized period of stay remains less than 1 year, you are exempt from Re-entry Permit for the remaining days.
- If you have to receive the permission due to the entry restrictions, you can apply for the permission at a local Immigration Office/Branch Office without fee.
2. Required Documents
an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport, Alien Registration Card, fee (Single 30,000 KRW, Double 50,000 KRW)
1. Required Documents for Registration
an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport, one standardized photo, fee
business license in accordance with the ‘Value-Added Tax Act ’
Health Checkup Results
- It should be issued by a medical institution designated by the Minister of Justice in accordance with the Notification 11-501 of the Ministry of Justice (as of Jan. 27, 2011)(Appendix 6).*
* However, an English teaching assistant hired by the Head of a district School Board and a government-invited scholarship student are exempt from submitting the document. (A district School Board confirms it.)
2. Notification of Change in Registration Information
Report details : change of name, sex, date of birth, nationality and passport (number, issue date, expiry date)
Due Date : within 14 days from the date of occurrence
Required Documents
an application form(Report Form, No.34), passport, Alien Registration Card, no fee any documents proving change of your information

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